
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12
尊敬的各位家长、亲爱的 incoming first-grade students:
Good morning! First and foremost, please allow me to extend a warm welcome to all parents present and to the incoming first-grade students joining our school community. The commencement of first grade marks the official beginning of the "student stage" in a child's life, heralding a new period and a fresh start. As children transition into elementary school, they will encounter changes in their learning methods and daily routines. Adapting to these changes is essential. Therefore, I would like to offer the following guidance to our young students:
1. Adapt quickly to school life. Arrive punctually each day, and be prepared for class. Respect the school's rules and regulations, and ensure that your desk is neatly organized for ease of use. Use this time to prepare for the next lesson.
2. Cultivate good habits.
- Embrace learning: Abide by classroom discipline and actively participate in lessons. Maintain proper postures during lessons, reading, and writing activities.
- Enjoy playtime: Engage in wholesome games with peers during breaks.
- Master daily living skills: Take care of personal hygiene, assist with household chores, and learn to organize school materials.
To the parents, I would like to share the following expectations:
1. Pay attention to your child's emotions and moods. After starting school, children usually go through three stages: excitement, disillusionment, and adaptation. They require attention, encouragement, understanding, and assistance during this time. Parents should observe changes in their children's emotions and behaviors, and be willing to listen and offer support.
2. Focus on your child's academic progress. Establish a strong foundation during the first month of school. Encourage children to complete homework promptly and independently. Consistent routines at home are crucial.
3. Concern yourselves with your child's behavior habits. Good habits are the cornerstone of future success. Parents should seize teachable moments and guide children in developing positive habits, in alignment with the school's educational goals.
These suggestions aim to foster a nurturing environment for our students, ensuring a successful and fulfilling academic journey. Welcome once again, and let us embark on this new adventure together!

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