
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Air Pollution
There are many chemicals that pollute the air. 污染空气的化学品有好多种。In cities, the major source of pollution is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is caused most of the time by gasoline-powered motor vehicles.在城市里,主要的污染源是一氧化碳。多数时间,一氧化碳是由用汽油做动力的机动车产生的。 You might have felt some of the effects of air pollution in big cities.在大城市里,人们可能已感觉到一些空气污染的影响。 If you have ever visited a big city, you might have noticed that your eyes burned or that you had trouble breathing. 如果你参观过一个大城市,你可能已注意到,你的眼睛发烧,或者呼吸困难。Air pollution is a problem in big cities because cars, homes, and factories give off many kinds of harmful substances, or pollutants, into the air.空气污染在大城市里是一个问题,因为汽车、家庭和工厂向空气中排放出很多种有害的物质或污染物。
Concern about air pollution has recently focused on indoor pollution. 关于空气污染的担忧最近一直集中于室内污染。Indoor pollutants include tobacco smoke, gases from stoves, car exhaust in attached garages, and chemicals used for cleaning. 室内污染物包括香烟烟雾、烤炉的气体、在附属的车库中汽车的废气。Of special concern is a radioactive gas called radon. 其中特别引起关心的是称为氡气的放射性气体。Radon comes from traces of uranium and radium that exist in practically all rocks and soil. 氡来自于实际上存在于所有石头和土壤中的痕量铀和镭。Scientists think that every year as many as 30,000 of the 125,000 lung cancer deaths in the U. S. may be caused by radon. 科学家认为,每年,美国12万5千名肺癌死亡中有多达3万人可能是由氡引起的。
Sulfur dioxide is another kind of air pollutant.二氧化硫是另一种空气污染物。 It is released into the air when coal is burned.它在煤的燃烧时释放到空气中。 The sulfur dioxide combines with water in the air, forming sulfuric acid. 二氧化硫与空气中的水结合,形成硫酸。This weak acid becomes part of rainwater, which falls to the earth. 这种弱酸变成酸雨的一部分,降落到地球上。The acid rain harms living things and also damages buildings and other structures.酸雨有害于有生命的东西,也会损伤建筑和其他结构。
Some factories that burn coal have taken steps to cut down on acid rain. These factories have placed devices called scrubbers on their smokestacks. 有些燃煤的工厂已采取步骤来减少酸雨。这些工厂已在他们的烟囱上放置了称为洗涤器的装置。The scrubbers remove sulfur dioxide as it is released from burning coal.洗涤器在二氧化硫于煤燃烧而释放出来时,除去二氧化硫。
Place a few drops of hydrochloric acid on a piece of limestone.在一块石灰石上放几滴盐酸。 The reaction will cause a fizzing.化学反应会引起嘶嘶声。 This is similar to the results of acid rain.这与酸雨的结果类似。 In a few years, acid rain can have a dangerous effect on wildlife and eat away at buildings.在少数几年中,酸雨可以对野生动植物产生有害的影响并侵蚀建筑物。
Trees are an important wildlife resource that does more than provide peace and beauty. They add oxygen and water to the air. 树木是一种主要的动植物资源,它们做出了比提供宁静和美丽更多的贡献。They act as windbreaks and have a cooling effect on temperatures.它们起到了防风物的作用,而且对气温有冷却作用。 Their presence slows the runoff of rainwater, and their root systems hold the soil. Together, both functions prevent harmful soil erosion.它们的存在减缓了酸雨的流失量,它们的树根系统则保持了土壤。加在一起,这两种功能防止了有害的土壤侵蚀。



今天我们照看向服装,基于衣服迎合我们个人格调的方式.如果我们喜欢它。条件是我们不.我们选择我们款式来表示我们个性.用时代好的是凉爽和向穿衣.但是让我们是严肃 ,怎么凉现在大概将在几年中看起来愚蠢的事了.


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