
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

1,she was waiting for last bus come in at all times in the bus station.
2,please contact us any time,if we can help you.
3,make his yacht to sail,how much crew which he request.
4,i like his new book,though it is good not quite as last book.
5,he is so kind,i met this kinds never before.


Persons over 18 are eligible to vote.
Application forms for scholarship will be sent by the university to the students before each semester.
I have decided to give up smoking, to comply with doctor's advice (instruction)
The park is located right in the center (heart) of the town.
The university provides us all the necessary materials and facilities.

1)I find that living within our means has become/is becoming increasingly difficult. (量入为出的生活:to live within one's means)

2)All the modern statesmen are trying to influent/affect the ordinary common people by the video intervew. (video intervew电视讲话,电视访谈.)

3)We shall help students to(learn to) adopt a positive attitude towards life./Students should be taught to gain a positive attitude towards life.因为这句题中没给出主语,所以应该自行加上一个合适的主语,或把句子变换成被动句,使主语转换为students.正式的英语句子是不可缺主语的,一楼的!

4)I hope that all the/the whole class can participate in the discussion/syposium. All the classmates are expected to participate in thediscussion/syposium.

5)Once you commit a crime ,you have to bear/take over the punishment.
Once commit a crime you will be sentenced to be punished.
be sentenced to be punished.是专用术语.

1, I discover that the within our means make a living more and more difficult.
2, modern statesmens all try to talk to affect the common common people with the television.
3, should help the student to adopt the aggressive attitude to the life.
4, hope that a classmate attends these discussions.
5, if you commit a crime and then must be subjected to punish everywhere.

1. I find that the life which expenditure according to revenue is increasly difficult.

2. The modern statemen are try to use television address to reach out the effect on commom people.

3. (we) should help students to adopt active attitude toward life.

4. (we) hope that all the students will participate in the discussion.

5. If you committed a crime ,you must suffer the punishment.

1 I found the living life increasingly difficult.
2 modern politicians have tried to influence a televised speech to the ordinary people.
3 should help students to take life a positive attitude.
4 the whole class participated in these discussions.
5 if you committed a crime must be punished.

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