
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

isn't = is not
aren't = are not
don't = do not
it's = it is
they're = they are
I'd = I should 或I would
I'll = I will
let's = let us
& = and
thx = thanks
aka = also known as
etc. = "等等"

. 各种组织或机构的缩略词

APEC(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组织

IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克组织

ISO(International Standard Organization)国际标准化组织

OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克,石油输出国组织

WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织

SOS村(SOS children's village)一种专门收养孤儿的慈善机构

2. 各种系统的缩略词

BBS(bulletin board system)电子公告牌系统或(bulletin board service)电子公告服务

GPS(global positioning system)全球定位系统

GSM(global system for mobile communications)全球移动通信系统

CIMS(computer integrated manufacturing system)计算机集成制造系统

DOS(disc operating system)磁盘操作系统

GMDSS(global maritime distress and safety system)全球海上遇险与安全系统

ITS(intelligent transportation system)智能交通系统

NMD(National Missile Defense)国家导弹防御系统

TMD (theatre missile defense)战区导弹防御系统)

NASDAQ(national association of securities dealers automated quotation)纳斯达克,(美)全国交易商自动报价系统协会

3. 有关职务或学位的缩略词

CEO(chief executive officer)首席执行官

CFO(chief finance officer)首席财务官

CGO(chief government officer)首席沟通官

CIO(chief information officer)首席信息官

COO(chief operating officer)首席运营官

CTO(chief technology officer)首席技术官

CPA(certified public accountant)注册会计师

MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士

MPA(Master of Public Administration)公共管理硕士

4. 金融方面的缩略词

ATM(automated teller machine)自动柜员机

CBD(central business district)中央商务区

GDP(gross domestic product)国内生产总值

GNP(gross national product)国民生产总值


CET(college English test)大学英语等级考试

GRE(graduate record examination in USA and other countries)美国等国家研究生入学资格考试

PETS(public English test system)全国英语等级考试

HSK(Hanyushuipingkaoshi; Chinese Standard Test)汉语水平考试

6. 其他方面的缩略词

AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) 获得性免疫缺陷综合症,即艾滋病

AM (amplitude modulation) 调幅

APC ( aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine; compound aspirin; heat-relieving and pain-killing medicine consisting of aspirin, phenacetin and caffeine) 复方阿司匹林

API (air pollution index) 空气污染指数

CDMA (code division multiple access) 码分多址,一种最新的无线电发射和接受方式

CD (compact disc) 激光唱盘

CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory) 只读光盘

CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable) 可擦写光盘

CIP (cataloguing in publication) 在版编目;预编目录.在图书出版前,由图书馆编目部门根据出版商提供的校样先行编目, 编目后将著录内容及标准格式交出版机构,将它印于图书的版权页上

DIY (do it yourself) 指自己动手装电脑,缝制衣服,做贺卡

DVD (digital video disc) 数字激光视盘

EMS (express mail service) 邮政特快专递

EQ (emotional quotient) 情商

IQ (intelligence quotient) 智商

ICU (intensive-care unit) 重症病房

IP (internet protocol) 网际协议

IT (imformation technology) 信息技术

OA (office automation) 办公自动化

OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始设备制造商

PC (personal computer) 个人计算机

PT (particular transfer) 特别转让

SCI (science citation index) 科学引文索引

SOHO (small office home office) 小型家居办公室

SOS (Save Our Souls; radio signal once used universally to appeal for help esp. by a ship or boat; urgent request for help from sb. in trouble) 国际上曾通用的紧急呼救信号,也用于一般的求救或求助

ST (special treatment) 特别处理

VIP (very important person) 要人

VOD (video on demand) 视频点播

WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网

1) imho, imo(in my humble opinion, in my opinion):


2) idk(I don't know):我不知道。

3) thx(thanks):谢谢。按照发音来看,thanks字尾的ks可以用字母X代替。(这个我倒是早就知道了,和在秦苏珊托福班的同学经常这么发,当然还有一种常用的是3Q,不知是不是中国人自创的,呵呵)

4) plz(please):请。please 字尾是z 音,所以按照读音缩写为plz。

5) Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):笑死我了。遇到真正搞笑的事,可以这么说,不过有点粗俗。

6) rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):笑到摔到地上

7) roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):前两个的结合版,也就是超级搞笑的意思。

8) lol(laugh out loud):大声地笑。这个缩写已经快被用烂了但我还是…..不知道(汗。。)

9) brb(be right back):很快回来。也就是I'll be right back 或I'm gonna be right back的简写。

10) jk(just kidding):开玩笑,别当真。

11) ttyl(talk to you later):下次再说。

12) g2g(got to go):要走了。原句是I've got to go。

13) btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思。

14) 4ever = forever

15) B4 = Before

16) Cam = Web Camera

17) CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)

18) CID = Consider It Done

19) CIO = Check It Out

20) CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing

21) F2F/FTF = Face To Face

22) IDKY = I Don’t Know You

IDST = I Didn’t Say That

IDTS = I Don’t Think So

IFAB = I Found A Bug

IFU = I Fed Up

IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee

IIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot Outside

IIMAD = If It Makes An(y) Difference

IIRC = If I Remember Correctly

IIWM = If It Were Me

Y = Why

Ya = You

YA = Yet Another

YAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It

YDKM = You Don’t Know Me

Yep/Yup = Yes

YGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary

YNK = You Never Know

YOYO = You’re On Your Own

YR = Yeah, Right

YSYD = Yeah, Sure You Do

YTTT = You Telling The Truth?

YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever




AFK Away From Keyboard
ASL? Age? Sex? Location?
B4 Before
BAK Back At Keyboard
BBL Be Back Later
BCNU Be seeing you
BRB Be Right Back
BTW By The Way
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
L8R Later
LOL Laughs Out Loud
MOF? Male Or Female?
NM or N/M Never Mind (or Not Much)
NP or N/P No Problem
OMG Oh My God
ROFL or ROTFL Rolling On (The) Floor, Laughing
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
UR Your / You're
W/ With
AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AIUI As I Understand It
BST But Seriously Though
BTDT Been There, Done That
CUL See you Later
DWISNWID Do What I Say, Not What I Do
DYJHIW Don't You Just Hate It When
F2F Face to Face
FOAF Friend Of A Friend
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
GA Go Ahead
GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IME In My Experience
IMNSHO In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
ISTM It Seems To Me
ITRO In The Region Of
IWBNI It Would Be Nice If
IYSWIM If You See What I Mean
JAM Just A Minute
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
MOTOS Member Of The Opposite Sex
NALOPKT Not A Lot Of People Know That
OIC Oh, I See
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTT Over The Top
RTFM Read The F****** Manual
RUOK Are you OK?
SITD Still In The Dark
TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TIA Thanks In Advance
TIC Tongue In Cheek
TNX / thx Thanks
TTYL Talk To You Later
TVM Thanks Very Much
WIBNI Wouldn't It Be Nice If
WRT With Regard To
WTH What The Hell (similarly: WTF)
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
YABA Yet Another Bloody Acronym
YHM You Have Mail
YGM You Got Mail


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