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中华人民共和国国歌 ------ 英文版
(The national anthem )The national anthem was written in 1935, with lyrics by the noted poet Tian Han and music by the famous composer Nie Er. The lyrics are as follows:

Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; 起来,不愿做奴隶的人们
With our very flesh and blood 把我们的血肉
Let us build our new Great Wall! 筑成我们新的长城
The peoples of China are at their most critical time. 中华民族到了最危险的时候
Everybody must roar defiance. 每个人被迫逐发出最后的吼声
Arise! Arise! Arise! 起来!起来!起来!
Millions of hearts with one mind, 我们万众一心
Brave the enemy's gunfire, 冒着敌人的炮火
March on! 前进
Brave the enemy's gunfire, 冒着敌人的炮火
March on! March on! March on, on! 前进!前进!前进进!

This song,originally named March of the Volunteers,was the theme song of the film, Sons and Daughters in a Time of Storm. The film tells the story of those who went to the front to fight the Japanese invaders in northeast China in the 1930s, when the fate of the nation was hanging in the balance.

Moving and powerful, the March of the Volunteers gave voice to the Chinese people's determination to sacrifice themselves for national liberation, expressing China's admirable tradition of courage, resolution and unity in fighting foreign aggression. It was for this reason that the CPPCCon September 27, 1949 decided to adopt the song as the provisional national anthem of the PRC, and the NPC on December 4, 1982 officially decided to adopt the song as the national anthem of the PRC
2006-10-1 6 11:58:17 pomelo246

national anthem
the national anthem

国歌的英文:national anthem

national 读法 英 ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)l]  美 ['næʃnəl] 

1、adj. 国家的;国民的;民族的;国立的

2、n. 国民


1、national culture 民族文化

2、national team 国家队

3、national level 国家级;国家层次

4、national policy 国家政策

5、national park (美)国家公园






1、national newspaper 全国性报纸

2、national railroad 国有铁路

3、national state 民族国家

4、national style 民族风格

5、national textbook 全国通用教材

national anthem
像百慕大、直布罗陀等殖民地(或地区)的“国歌”(咱们汉语叫“国歌”就有点儿不合适了,咱们有的叫“区歌”有的叫“邦歌”),英语里也叫“national anthem”,因为英语里的“national”指的是民族组成的政治实体,所以自然就没区别了(就和“首都”、“首府”在英语里都是“capital”一个单词一样的道理)。

national anthem 国歌


the national anthem
anthem ['ænθəm]
1. a song of devotion or loyalty (as to a nation or school)
2. a song of praise (to God or to a saint or to a nation)
以上来源于: WordNet

national anthem
the national anthem

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    答:注解: ye:意思是you,在古代英文中用这个词。 flesh:肉 ounce of strength:古英文的一种说法,每一分的力量。参考资料:http://www.blog.edu.cn/user2/29160/archives/2005/1040907.shtml