
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05
一般疑问句:Do u like apples?
肯定句:He likes apples.
否定句:He doesnt like apples.



  一般疑问句:Did you study English last year?

  肯定句:I studied English last year.

  否定句:I did not study english last year.


  一般疑问句:Will/Are you going to walk tomorrow?

  肯定句:I will/am going to walk tomorrow.

  否定句:I won't/am not going to walk tomorrow.


  一般疑问句:Is he playing the guitar?

  肯定句:He is playing the guitar.

  否定句:He isn't playing guitar.


  一般疑问句:Have you had your lunch today?

  肯定句:I have had my lunch today.

  否定句:I haven't had my lunch.


  一般疑问句:Were you watching TV at 7:00a.m. yesterday?

  肯定句:I was watching TV at 7:00a.m. yesterday.

  否定句:I wasn't watching TV at 7:00a.m. yesterday.


  一般疑问句:Had you finished your homework when you watched the TV.

  肯定句:I had already finished my homework when I watched the TV.

  否定句:I hadn't finished my homework yet when I watched the TV.


  一般疑问句:I didn't know whether he would help me.

  肯定句:He said he would help me.

  否定句:He said he wouldn't help me.

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