
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25

今天,任何关于英特网特网能否带来丰厚利润的疑问已经成为陈年往事。基于英特网的商业活动正在公共网络上遍地开花。但是,电子商务却面临着比预想中还要多的困难。对许多人来说,冒险经营比期望中的盈利更少。症结在于,与技术相结合的目标商业模式是一个多变而开放的问题 (Shaw, et al. 1997)。有着各种规模和产业的商业活动如何在英特网上开始其业务?随着时间的推移,它们的经营模式如何改变?说得更具体些,它们各不相同的基于英特网的战略如何实施?本文阐述了基于280家利用英特网提供产品或服务的公司的经营战略与经营模式的调查结果。结果显示,电子商务已经渗透到各种规模的公司经营中。以此次调查为基础,可以明显看到,当许多公司多年涉足电子商务后,它们的经营模式仍处在初期阶段。

China Gallup Consulting Ltd. is an emerging category of the Advisory Limited, the company he is with the Chinese side Gallup investors in China joint ventures, in 1993 by China's central government approved the establishment is designed to provide customers at home and abroad the quality of business and management of investigation, research, advisory and training services. Has a total of 80 numbers and experienced full-time employees and more than 3,000 part-time staff. Headquartered in Beijing, and has offices in Shanghai and Guangzhou. China Gallup Gallup companies from the United States holding and management company, Gallup and the results of research on management and China's market characteristics combined expertise and staff, in consultation with the Chinese to fill gaps in the aspect of the company.
Through the Gallup Consulting Ltd. of the subject of investigation and study and analysis of Beijing consulting firm Gallup success of the method of operation, and that summed up the major consulting company business model, analysis of Beijing is how Gallup Consulting Ltd. Beijing region for the development of the mode of operation, and draw the corresponding conclusions, as affirmed Beijing consulting firm Gallup operating results of other consulting firms that the mode of operation of a specific reference.

Along with the social economy development, people's life quality rise ceaselessly, shows the vitality of the booming tourism industry, and the rise of the network and popularization, China's tourism industry and electronic business affairs become a kind of inevitable trend. Tourism electronic commerce is the development of the tourism industry a main direction, is to participate in the international tourism market competition the important means. Because our country tourism electronic commerce construction also at the beginning stage, information services and online payment ability is limited, the network marketing is just a kind of fashion, the cultivation of the consumers, tourism electronic commerce environment of the mature and the policy laws and regulations construction, and so on are still to be in developing solve the problem. It is the urgent need to create a conducive to the healthy development of tourism electronic commerce environment, in order to catch up with the information era ?


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