
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

Do it by yourself
Get up when the clock rings
Tidy your pillow and quilt
Clean your teeth and face quickly
Pack your stationery and bag
Wear your clothes and shoes
Do it by yourself
Everyone says I do well

通话的情况下,我们大约因此可能提及这些,因此可能描述的情况下,但提到谈论写作。我很怀念,我英语系的学生,写作应该是一个基本的大门,我们需要扩大自己来写论文的学生,的位置毕业后抵达,人才,收购后需要展现自我移动清澈的字符到达的领导者,但更多的批准。一个方面,我想到的,但也许非常大的情况下,人皆有之,有没有办法咬笔尖此外,有建议想与大家分享大家看看我什么时候开始写,但技巧提高写作更完善。广泛阅读,我们许多女孩喜欢读浪漫小说的感伤小说,男孩喜欢西气东输武侠小说武侠小说,但是这是不关心不够,怎么书,它既是各种你有没有办法完成相关的知识的脸,你的书,可以讲历史和科学技术可能会非常也比较单调,菅直人卜,不,我也推荐一本书“明朝那些事”,其知识可以告诉你的历史非常好,也能写,很奇妙的,希望大家可以借鉴的各个方面。第二只有两个字符,坚持其实很simplely。写作是一种艺术,一个拥有创新能力,坚持,自然英语,英语并不需要很多更好的,即使是在写作中,如果能量是每天都在发生,约一百性格一直很好,我们都听了恒滴水可穿一块石头的故事,我相信,带回了一份报告,只要持之以恒,因此可能。 ,在最后的需求,以意思是在这个更集中和更集中的字符的社会,我们的字符具有影响到每个人的城市比任何时候需要读写的技巧,在过去所有的更多,一篇很好的文章,的块木,但作者的修养,会谈进一步,人类文明和思想贡献。的原因,大家都来写!


1) 到2004年5月,当这些新成员正式加入欧盟的时候,英国与华盛顿的关系将不再孤立。
The relationship between Britain and Washington was no longer isolated when these new members officially joined the European Union in May 2004.
2) 参加合作医疗的农民生病住院后,可以按比例报销部分医药费。
The farmers who participate in CMS(cooperative medical system ) can reimburse the medical expenses partially according to the proportion when they get sick and go to hospital.
3) 会后,双方领导人承诺要进一步加强合,并签署了三份协议。
After the meeting,the leaders of both sides pledged to further strengthen cooperation and signed three agreements.
4) 那人把枪放下,双手举起、抱头,慢慢转过身子, 眼里显出惊慌的神色。
That man put the gun down,raised both his hands behind his head,turned around slowly,with a panic look in his eyes.
5) 看粮食,要看中国的农业;看农业,首先要看市场。
To understand the food issues,we should learn more about the agriculture in China first;and to understand the agriculture,we should look into the market first.
6) 我们确定搞两个开放:一个是对内开放,一个是对外开放。
We have decided on an open policy in two respects: to open up both externally and internally.(貌似曾在某正规资料上看到此句是这样翻译。)
7) 对于普通人而言,治疗妒忌的唯一办法是快乐。然而困难在于,妒忌本身就是快乐的巨大障碍。
For ordinary people,the only way to cure jealousy is to be happy.The problem is though,jealousy itself is a huge barrier to happiness.


1)Until May,2004,when these new memebers joined in the European Union formally, that the relationship between Britain and Washington is no longer isolated.
2)Since taking part in the health care system, farmers who are in hospital can be reimbursed medical expenses according to the proportions.(since 可做因为理解)
3) After the meeting, both leaders of two sides promised to further strengthen cooperation, and signed the three copies of the agreements.
4) That person put the gun down, raised hands behind his head, turned the body slowly, and his eyes showed panic.
5) The condition of food depends on the agriculture of China; at the same time, the agriculture determined by the market in the first place.
6) We are sure to enact the two aspects of open: domestic and international.
7) To ordinary people, the unique treatment of jealousness is happiness.However, the primary problem is ,jealousness is the big obstacle in front of happiness.


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