
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

1 watching
2 singing
3 to watch
4 talent
5 interesting

1 B opening
2 D how does
3 B I do, too
4 B can't either
5 A in fact


1What did 2No,he didn't 3played basketball 4watched TV 5Did you see 6Were the strawberries 7We ate our lunch under some trees 8Was she 9They didn't work 10How was

1.Is there an apple on the desk? Yes, there is .
2.Are there some swings in the playground?
3.How many students are there in your class?
4.It's the first day of the new term.
5.Are there any reading rooms in the building?
6.There are no ...
7.What's under..
8.Here are some chairs..
9.How many buses are there ...?
10.Can you make ...?
11.Are there any plates in the ...?
13.Let's go and have a see.
14.My father and mother are teachers.
15.There are no plates ...
16.Do you like ...?
17.What's that on the desk?
18.Can you put a book on you head?
19.She has some elephants.
20.What do you have?
21.What does you sister have?

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