
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-25

In ten years,I think I‘ll be a reporter.I‘ll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it‘s really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I‘ll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don‘t like living alone.
I‘ll have pets.I can‘t have any pets now because my mother hates them and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I‘ll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot! I‘ll probably go skating and swimming every day.During the week I‘ll look smart,and probably will wear a suit.
On the weekends, I‘ll be able to dress more casually. I think I‘ll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.

2006 山东卷: 请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,简要描述漫画内容,并结合生活实际,就漫画主题发表感想,题目自拟。参考词汇:公民道德—civic virtue


Who Lose Civic Virtue?

One day, a child went home after class. On his way home, he saw some adults spit on the ground. On the other side of the road, a man threw the garbage on the ground after eating a banana. The child found a book Civic Virtue, lying on the ground. So he picked up the book and shouted, “Who lose civic virtue?”

The child’s words should make people think more. Now, many people are scared of civic virtue, and don’t protect public environment at all. I wish this cartoon can wake their virtue and make our life better.

2007 山东卷: 阅读下面的文字,用英语写一篇120-150词的短文。




Recently I learned from the newspaper that normal universities师范大学(belonging to the Education Department) would recruit some students free. As a return, the students must serve as充当 a primary school teacher for at least 10years in his hometown. I feel that is good news for me and I will contact联系 the universities to get enrolled被录取.

First of all, as a farmer's child, my family's living conditions is not so good, I can hardly afford the high tuition of regular universities正规大学. I am so happy to get this chance to become a college student and continue my study.

Secondly, serving as a teacher is my dream since I was a child. I was brought up in a mountain village. Many of my little friends got poor education and they had to get to work as a teenager. If I become a teacher, I will devote myself to giving them better education.

Lastly, our country is in great need of teachers, especially in rural areas. After I graduate, I will return to my hometown and serve as a good teacher.

2008山东卷: 假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:




注意:词数120 ~150

Dear Li Ming,


Best regards,

Zhang Hua


Dear LiMing,

I know you are now having trouble communicating with others, and you may often feel lonely. That’s because you are new here and people don’t know about you. But I think you can make it搞定 if only you can follow the advice below.

First, you should take an active part in the discussions and show your own opinions about the matters, and at the same time, learn to listen to other people’s views. Second, you should learn about your classmates' likes and dislikes. Then you can have much in common with有共同点 them. This way, you can get to逐渐的 know more different people and show them that you are just as friendly. Last but not least, I’m always here ready to help. We can take part in some activities together and I can introduce you to others.

With time going on随着时间的推移, people will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you can do as按照 the above以上.

Best regards,

Zhang Hua

Dear Tom,
I am now back China and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind assistance in my English learning when I was in New York. Additionally, your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a unforgettable memory.
I have been missing our English professor, Mr.Smith whose unusual cast of mind,wide and varied knowledge,together with a singular personal charm,combined to exert a strong influence on me.What about him recently? I desire to contact him for some suggestions on improving my listeningability.However,his email address is not available.So would you mind delivering it to me via the online mailbox?
I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival -Chinese Lunar New Year so that I can repay your friendship.You can partner with me to have a try in lion dances ,which is extremely exciting. And the grand lantern festival parade will be bound to impress you. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at you home.
With my best regards !
Yours cordially, Li Hua

某英文报社组织题为“我喜欢的英语谚语”征文活动,你有意参加。请从下面两句谚语中任选一句作为标题写一篇英语作文,内容须包括: 该谚语的含义; 2.体现该谚语含义的个人经历。 ①A friend in need is a friend indeed. ②Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 注意: 1.词数:120-150; 2.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。 参考词汇:谚语 proverb
【解析】2014山东高考写作一改沿用多年的书信形式,以英语中常见谚语“患难见真情”和“有志者,事竟成”作为话题二选一进行夹叙夹议,在近五年高考中实属大刀阔斧改革的一大步。考生首先要了 解两句谚语的基本意思,其次要用短短150词将说明+记叙+议论结合起来,衔接流畅,有理有据,确实对考生的英语知识素养,思维能力和表达能力有着很高的要求。创新固然有之,但究其内容,仍然是“新瓶装旧酒”。在我们二轮复习中,给大家详细讲解过了“个人价值观念”话题素材和常用的写作句型, 谚语的意思在语法课上也作为例句多次提及。考生在保证了 “说明含义-回忆往事-总结议论”这一基本的逻辑分段清晰之后,只需结合“价值观“中的素材,非限制性定语从句、使让、非谓语动词、无灵主语、倒装、强调等常用句型,以及一些常见写作词汇的高 级替换,就可以轻松的冲击高分档次。 【逻辑分段】 解释谚语意思(20词) 记叙个人经历(80词) 议论升华主旨(50词)

【例文】 Where there is a will, there is a way. My favorite proverb is “where there is a will, there is a way.”, which means we will be able to get over all kinds of challenges if we can stick to our dreams and never give up. Memories rushed to my mind when I saw this topic. When I was in high school, I had great enthusiasm for English and intended to take part in an English speech contest. However, when preparing for it, I found it very challenging to collect information and use language correctly. I was about to give up when my Dad noticed and offered this proverb to me. Encouraged by it, I spared no effort to solve every problem with confidence. If it hadn’t helped me,I couldn’t have won the prize finally. In a word, not only does this proverb enable me to face up to the difficulties bravely, but also it contributes much to keeping confident all the time. Therefore, keep in mind--- where there is a will, there is a way. Success comes to those who never give up.



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