
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27
帮忙翻译以下商务英语句子 不要百度之类那样的翻译 谢谢~

( 1 )在收到清单,该公司将提供的一份声明显示代理总问责托运,开头主席,金属。 ,该公司的会计师。

( 2 )主要应无权借记代理人的损失的任何款项在任何invioce的主要客户,除非客户是agfent本身。

( 3 )承包者应采取合理的预防措施,以防止其工人或其他任何人删除或破坏任何上述物品或东西。

( 4 )战略目标的一个具体部分进行购买公共产品只能在一个特定的价格范围。

This time I want the following goods.
Reseller Price List has a lot of product code (SKU) without price list.
RQ of the original factory carton is very thin, very easily damaged during transport.
If you have a strong large cardboard boxes used to transport?
Last time because of transport problems, and damaged many box, the annex is the broken images.
In my tests, found that two pieces were missing 9857 with 1 bag parts (two pack).(the following chart)
As several sentences trouble which friend to translate, I English not just, thanked first
Reseller Price List中有很多产品代码(SKU)的价格没有列出。

(1) for the season to catch up with you out side once the receipt of our letter of credit, arrange for the loading and shipment notification as soon as possible telegraph.
(2) is hereby pleased to inform, DCF1001 under item number 1000 box set has been installed canned pork "wind" round, scheduled for around the 30th of this month bound for Tokyo.
(3) Department of the orders designed to prepare for Christmas, be sure to be shipped on time, and promptly inform the vessel name, sailing date and expected date of arrival to arrange pick-up (based on English, not "pick" the word, the need for translation out), and sales.
(4) Since many orders in hand, apologized difficult to meet in advance of delivery. Please meet the shipment date and valid letter of credit were extended to May 15 and May 30, and to allow the partial shipment and transshipment.
( 5) of this series the two sides reached the first transaction, so the delay will affect their future shipment of long-term business relationship must be considered.
(6) to the goods as customers hurry, Division I ask you to cooperate, to order delivery from July to early August shipment.
(7), we expect, will you advance the requirements of shipping the inconvenience, but hope you will understand our situation and try to meet our requirements.
(8), we learned from the shipping company, Hamburg before the end of the space has been booked, the first shipment time is June 10.
(9) Whenever possible, we will ship the goods directly loaded. Try to meet customer requirements is our duty.


从这片热土上不断升腾起烟雾,弥漫在荒凉的山丘上 找主干“smoke rose分析句子应先找主干,最精简的为主+谓,这句话于是这句话可以这样翻译:

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