
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

Why not get up early?
Why not ask your teacher?

Why don't you stop working and have fun?
Why don't you look for a new job?



Land will continue to appreciate.
I believe you
I feel very happy.
I forgot posting the letter.
I heard him say so.
I know right from wrong.
She likes playing the piano.
She looks happy.
I noticed him winking at his brother.
I remember telling you about it once.
She was not beautiful; she did not resemble her mother.
I see what you mean.
I think he will come.
Now I understand.

1 Your bag is in our classroom.
2 Their cars are under the tree,where's ours?
3 Please ask her.
4 Your shoes are very small,his are very big.
5 These are our pictures,theirs are on the wall.
6 Is it his hat?--No,his is black.(到底是黑色还是百色?!)
7 There're 20 people in her family.
8 Your picture is nice and so is hers.
9 Is this your doggy?--Yes,its eyes are very bright.
10 I don't know them.

Your school bag is in our classroom.
Their car is under the tree. Where is ours?
Please ask her.
Your shoes are small. His are big.
These are our pictures. Theirs are on the wall.
Is this his cap? No. His is black and white.
There are 20 people in her family.
Your photo is nice. Hers is nice, too.
Is this your doggy? ---Yes. Its eyes are bright.
I don't know them.

your schoolbag is in our classroom
their bikes are under the tree,what about ours?
please ask her
your shoes are small,his are big
these are our pictures,theirs are on the wall
is this his hat?--no,his is black and white
there are 20 people in her family
your photo is good,hers is good,too
is this your dog?yeah,its eyes are bright
i don’t know them

Your bag is in our classroom
Their bike is under the tree ,how about ours
How about ask she
Your shoes are small ,his are big
These are our drawing,theirs are on the wall
Is this his cap? No,his is black and white
There are 20 people in her family
Your photo is nice她的也不错
Is this your dog? yes ,it's eyes are bright

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