
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

1.are you nervous when you are going to attend the game?
2.Iwill be cheerful for you and believe you can make it.
3.don't be nervous , I will stay with you.

Lexical collocation
English vocabulary collocation ( collocation ) for Chinese college students is the most difficult part. Each language has a number of senior conventional fixed matching, many Chinese common collocation in English may not be appropriate, also a lot of English fixed collocations Chinese may not. So the Chinese students often because in English by Chinese Collocation and make a lot of mistakes. For example: " the business of doing business ", translated as " make business ", but in fact the English collocation should be " conduct business

都桥山风景区 All bridge mountain breeze scenic area
都桥山风景名胜区 All bridge mountain scenery scenic spot area
森林公园 Forest park
贵妃故里景区Noble concubine native place scenic area
贵妃园景景区 Noble concubine garden scenery scenic area
真武阁God of the north Chinese style pavilion

All bridge Mountain Scenic Area
All Mountain Scenic Area Bridge
Forest Park
Royal scenic Hometown
Royal scenic landscape

DuQiao Mountain Scenic Area
DuQiao Mountain ...风景名胜有个固定搭配,忘记了...
Forest Park

  • 哪位会日语的大哥大姐帮忙把这段话翻译成日语,多谢...急用!!!
    答:其实我觉得,用下边这个模板更合适,这样显得更工整,更能显示出你们公司的严谨和对待合作伙伴的真诚和认真对待错误的态度!作业ミスについての経过报告件名:误操作による○○不具合に関する経过报告 社外向け 株式会社○○ ○○事业部 □□様 いつもお世话になっております。株式会社△△の...
  • 哪位大哥帮我翻译一下啊,很短的,有参考,谢谢很急的
    答:Seam tracking system is to ensure the quality of welding, the realization of the importance of automated welding technology. Seam Tracking accuracy and real-time welding quality to ensure an immeasurable role. Study ways to improve the weld from Dynamic tracking accuracy and automatic ...
  • 哪位大哥能帮我译成英文,急用啊,一定要准确~谢谢了~
    答:"Dancing Beijing" is this city's face. It is an image showing the Oriental thoughts and national ethos displayed by Chinese characters; it is an expression, conveying the humanism and grace unique to the Chinese Civlization.With the inspiration of calligraphy ,the character "jing"in...
  • 哪位好心的大哥能帮我把下面这几段话翻译成英文啊?!急求!
    答:1. News language must be specific, shall be less with abstract concept 2. News must not, facts, evasive equivocal, cannot be exaggerated can narrow 3. News requirements for rapid timely. Quick It determines the news to brief, one language and straightforward. How can I write ...
  • 大哥,请再帮我翻译以下几句话好吧。
    答:这是你之前问我的,才看到,帮你看了,希望帮到你哦!1、空气中浓度超标时,必须佩戴自吸过滤式防毒面具(半面罩)。紧急事态抢救或撤离时,应该佩戴空气呼吸器。1, the concentration in air overweight, wearing self-absorption filter respirators (half mask). Emergency rescue or evacuation, ...
  • 谁帮我翻译一下。 机器语法错误太严重了。 。哪位大哥大姐帮忙下...
    答:F: Are you two nervous now? I feel quite nervous Z:Me, too J:I am fine, where shall we go for lunch(一般直接说是午饭还是晚饭,实在想表达饭那就用meal吧) after the exam?Z: Let's go to XiangPENPEN F:No, XIANGPENPEN is not good.J:Then, where do you want to go?F:...
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  • 各位大哥大姐们帮帮忙啊!帮小妹我翻译几条英语,救命急用啊!小妹在此...
    答:Actually, I noticed that in my city lots of companies requiring such elites like you.5.另一个理由是,这样让你更加方便地照顾你父母当他们老的时候 Another reason is that, if you come back you can better take care of your parebnts when they need you.希望可以帮到你, 但写信的话...
  • 哪位大哥大姐能帮我把下面的翻译成英文啊,有急用,小弟先谢过了。
    答:中文 » 英语<~ 复制Phytic acid enzymatic exist widely in plant, microbe, animals, broad prospect of application. In this paper 400123 for the primitive strains aspergillus, using the environment.molybdophosphoric blue colorimetric method for determination of live phytic acid enzymatic ...
  • ...急急急 哪位大哥大姐好心 英语好的帮我翻译一下 非常感谢!!_百度知...