
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-07


If possible, could you please... 或者 I have to bother you on sth...



At your convenience, would you please... + Thank you for your assistance.

句头用at your convenience体现了写信者体谅别人考虑周全的个性,接下来用would you please又表现出彬彬有礼的形象。最后以thank you做结尾,再次加强了礼貌。整句话读下来能让人感觉到写作者落落大方,不卑不亢的形象。

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  • ...是提供/索取一些相关资料的。 有没有比较礼貌的模板
    答:在写英语垫子邮件的时候,要注意开头称呼,并且在正文开头写上对对方的问候,最后结尾的时候写上期待对方的来信,最后写上署名即可,模板如下:Dear Sir/Madam :Hope you are doing well. I am...(写上自我介绍以及邀约的事情或者所要资料)I appreciate your help/your early response.Yours,B.R.(...
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    答:1,we attach imporatance to this cooperation with you. No matter what the proportion of share is,both of us are the integral part of the JV.Since hope we can cooperate each other sincerely.2,and we need the information as following item:A,cooperation method B,specific proportion...
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