
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08

答:“what”表示提问,什么的意思,“is”是,“that”泛指远处的事物或者是人,what is that的意思就是,那是什么。 回答时要用Its... 扩展资料 What's that ?回答时要用It's…。What's that/this?的回答都要用it's a/an+可数名词单数,it 根据不同的句子译成“这/那/它”,有时...

what…is that句型
答:扩展资料 Is that what?用的`时候比较特殊:在没有听清对方问提问时,要求对方重复所提问题: - Is that a pagoda? - Is that what? - Pagoda. - Oh,no.That's a shed. What is that?是一个教科书里教的问句,问“那是什么?”

what that is 和what is that 的区别
答:what that is为陈述句句式,应用于复合句,充当名词性成分;what is that为疑问句句式,是特殊疑问句,应用于询问、了解事物。

what's that什么意思
答:在不同的场景下,that's that的含义有:1、that's that:这件事就是这么简单。比如:Just do like this, and that's that!就这样做,就这么简单。2、that's that:工作都做完了,没别的事了。比如:Yep, everything has been done and that's that.是的,所有的都完成了,没别的了。3、...

what...is that...句型造句
答:造句:1、What is that infernal noise.这可恶的噪音是什么。2、What is that crystal vase for?那个水晶花瓶是用来做什么的?3、What is that? It's a plane.那是什么?它是一架飞机。短语 What is that is 什么是是 ; 这是什么意思是 ; 那是什么是 What is that to Chinese 什么是中国人...

what引导宾语从句时应该为What is that?还是what that is
答:What 引导宾从句, what is that 还是 what that is ? 两种表达形式都是对的 ,但是从句必须是个陈述句,有不同 。如:Can you tell me what is that in the sky?宾语从句中,what 是主语,that是表语。I don’t know what that is he doing.宾语从句中的 what 是表语,that 是主语。

what is this 回答 与what is that 回答
答:what's this是一个特殊疑问句,如果问别人“这是什么东西?”用this或that,两者都是指示代词。this指是近处的人或物,that指远处的人或物。 【例句】 what's this例句 What's this? It's a bat. 这是什么? 这是一根棒子。 Hello, what's all this then? 嘿,这是怎么一回事? what is that例句 What ...

简单的英语:WHAT IS THAT?答案用IT IS~~~还是THAT IS~~??
答:回答 What is that?(What's that?)最好用 It is ...(It's...)在日常应用中这是很标准的说法.

“What's that”的回答是“That's” 还是“It's”?
答:语法习惯.在你问别人what's that?时,你的主观表达侧重于与“方向”,而既然有人回答你,说明他了解那个方向的那个东西,这时用It来表达更符合英美人的思维习惯.祝好.

what is that的答语用that还是it


华廖19154711620: what's this怎么回答? -
丰润区殷货:: What is this,回答时也可用it也可以this,但是为了避免重复一般也将this改为it. 询问某个东西时,常用this指代“这个东西”,this是指较近处的物体;that是指较远处的物体. it是个代词,代替上文中的this或that或其他单数的物品. 如:What's ...

华廖19154711620: 句型 “it is +名词 +that +主语从句” 和 “it is +形容词 +that +主语从句” 有什么区别? -
丰润区殷货:: ①It is the stroy that makes me so excited.(去掉it is...that,句子仍然完整,这是一个强调句,it is...that仅仅用来强调中间的story.同时由于story是主语,去掉It is ...that之后词语顺序完全不用改变.)【正是这个故事让我很兴奋.注意,it无意义】 ...

华廖19154711620: What is + 名词...还有what +名词+is ...我该怎么区分和什么时候用他们,为什么要这么用举例子,不要抄啊, - 作业帮
丰润区殷货::[答案] What is + 名词... 用于疑问句 (好像只有这种用法) What is that?那是什么? what +名词+is ... 用于 复合句. I can't tell you what the gift is. 我不能告诉你礼品是什么