
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

“what's the matter”是什么意思
答:“what's the matter What's the matter [释义]怎么了?;[例句]Doctor: what's the matter with your wrist?医生:你的手腕怎么了?--- 希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

what is the matter是对什么提问
答:what is the matter通常是对身体健康状况的提问。其中matter为名词,意为“问题;事情”,在此句型中matter前须加定冠词the。也可以用What’s wrong (with sb)或What’s the trouble (with sb),表示的意思相同。重点词汇:matter matter是不及物动词,基本意思是“对人们有重大关系,要紧”“重要,...

“what's the matter”是什么意思
答:“what's the matter “发生了什么事 双语对照 例句:1.What's the matter with the clock radio?那带闹钟的收音机怎么了?2.Listen read learn policeman: what's the matter here?听看学警察:这儿出什么事了?

“what's the matter”是什么意思?
答:What's the matter?怎么回事/出了什么事?/怎么了?举例:What's the matter with her?她出什么事啦?What's the matter with John?约翰怎么了?.What's the matter with you?你有什么不舒服?

what is the matter?啥意思
答:I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary.我想跟她谈谈我的薪水问题。Is anything the matter?有什么问题吗?She reluctantly agreed to let the matter drop.她勉强同意这事到此为止。It doesn't matter to me what you do.你做什么都跟我毫无关系。What's the matter? Why are...

what's the matter什么意思?
答:what's the matter -出什么事了,怎么了 What’s the matter?意为"怎么啦?",它一般用于询问某人身体是否不舒服、遇到了什么麻烦或东西是否坏了等情景,表示对某人或某事的关心.what's going on?接下来发生什么事?进展得怎样?发生什么事了?有什么事吗?一般是有目的而说,例如见你闷闷不乐,问你...

答:两词之间的区别:用法差异,语境选择,侧重点。1、用法差异:使用“what's the matter”时,通常表达对他人的关心,带有关切和同情的语气;而“what's wrong”则更常用于询问具体的问题或困难,涉及范围广泛,如身体不适、技术故障等。2、语境选择:“what's the matter”更适用于非正式场合,如朋友间...

英语口语What’s the matter怎么翻译?
答:英语口语中 - What’s the matter ? ( - 怎 么啦 ? )用在生活的各个方面,比较墙上 的时钟停止不走了, 可以用英语问:- What’s the matter with the clock ?- 时钟怎么啦 ?- It doesn’t work .时钟钟停了 。或者 :李雷因为感冒没去上学。可以这么问 :- What’s the matter ...

“what's the matter”是什么意思
答:优质解答 What's the matter?怎么回事/出了什么事?/怎么了?举例:What's the matter with her?她出什么事啦?What's the matter with John?约翰怎么了?.What's the matter with you?你有什么不舒服?



印矩17187637429: WHAT'S THE MATTER? -
正镶白旗笪卿:: what is the matter ?可译为:“怎么回事?/有什么麻烦吗?” 常用来询问对方,以了解事情发生的原因.eg:某人看起来不高兴,这时你就可以来一句“what is the matter ?(你怎么了)”.

印矩17187637429: what's the matter同义词怎么写,谢谢! -
正镶白旗笪卿:: what's the matter同义词有: What's wrong? What's the trouble? What happened? What's up? 1. What's the matter? 怎么啦?出什么事情了? What's the matter with you? = What's the trouble with you? = What's wrong with you? 2、用于询问某人有...

印矩17187637429: What's the matter ?的同义句. -
正镶白旗笪卿:: 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:What's the problem?What's the trouble?What's wrong?都可以*************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************

印矩17187637429: what's the matter为什么加the -
正镶白旗笪卿:: What's the matter? 出什么事了?matter在这里是“事件、事情”的意思.当提问的时候,肯定是针对的特定的事件,而且是具体到某一件事,并非任意一件事.既然是特指,这里就必须加the,限定matter的范围——就是这件,而不是那件.

印矩17187637429: what - is - the - matter是什么意思 -
正镶白旗笪卿:: what is the matter 怎么啦;什么事;你怎么了 双语例句1. "What is the matter with Signora Anna?" he whispered, horror-struck at her vacant face. “安娜夫人怎么啦?”他惊恐万分地看着她那失神的脸小声问道.2. What is the matter , Marta? 玛塔, 怎么了?