
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-18


各位大哥 帮小弟翻译几句句子 翻成英文 在线等
答:二马不同槽:two cocks in one yard donot agree.饥饿如狼:as hungry as a horse温顺如鹿:as quiet as a dove过着牛马般生活:lead a dog’s life鸡犬不宁的生活:a cat and dog life狗改不了吃屎:the leopard cannot change his spots.非驴非马(四不象):neither fish、flesh,nor fowl隔山买牛:buy a ...

答:In thefields the corn was waving like the sea; in the ditches red and yellow flowers were growing; while wild-drone flowers, and blooming convolvuluses were creeping in the hedges; and towards evening the moon rose round and large, and the haycocks in the meadows smelt so sweetly. This ...

答:狗[gǒu] [ 国标码:B9B7 部首:犭 笔画:8 笔顺:35335251 ] dog 相关解释: mutt mut purp pooch doggie Dalmatian dawg 例句: 他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。 Their dog bit a hole in my trousers. 狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。 The dog guarded the house against strangers. 狗露出了...

答:Two weeks I'll do it for.It's not the same!It's not the same.I can't breathe.I think one ofmy toes just came off.If every man does not end the eveningin love with you,then I'm no judge of beauty.- Or men.- No, they are far too easy to judge.They're not all bad....

答:1. /tU:/:two (二) —— too (也;太) —— to (到……)2. /baI/:buy (买) —— bye (再见) —— by (被;由)3. /red/:red (红色的) —— read (读,read 的过去式或过去分词)4. /si:n/:scene (景象) —— seen (看见,see 的过去分词)5. /fC:/:for (为……) —— four ...

答:kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕 wake a sleeping dog.惹是生非 look a gift horse in the mouth.吹毛求疵 neither fish nor fowl.不伦不类 put/set the cart before the horse.本末倒置 look like a dying duck in a thunderstorm.惊慌失措 birds of feather.一丘之貉 black sheep.害群之马...

答:463. At 8 o'clock the clerk locked the flock of cocks in the room.文员8点钟给房间里的这群公鸡上了锁。464. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.嘲笑者用长筒袜和短袜上打的结敲击树干(股票)。465. I'm determined to permit the permanent term...

答:They were very much worried when they heard a cock crowing.Immediately all the cocks inside and outside the pass followed the cock in crowing.It turned out that one other hanger-on could imitate the cock's crow very well,and the first crow was actually his imitation.The guards ...

melissa lauren主演里面有加长汽车
答:A Load in Every Hole 10 Mr. Pete Is Unleashed Multiples My Ass Is Haunted One in the Pink and One in the Stink 5 Plastic Penetrations Semen Sippers 3 Service Animals 18 Sexe & internet Sexy Euro Girls 2 Sixpaxk Straight Up the Pipe Sweet Cheeks 5 Teenage Spermaholics 2 Tee...


袁蚁15354509140: 关于吃饭问题的英语作文How many meals do you have every day?What do you have for you meals?Who cocks in your family?What's your favourite food?Please... - 作业帮
花垣县林帖::[答案] 绝对原创. Like the majority of people, I have three meals everyday, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food I have for ... However, for my lunch and dinner, home is my ideal choice. Mom usually cooks in my family because dad and I enjoy her ...

袁蚁15354509140: 编译报错,没有声明标示符.我是新手 -
花垣县林帖:: #include "stdio.h"//这里最好用#include <<stdio.h>>,因为是库文件void main() { int cocks=0,hens,chicks; while(cocks<=19) { hens=0; while(hens<=33) { chicks=100-socks-hens;//socks木有声明呀,应该是cocks吗? if(5.0*cocks+3.0*hens+shicks/3.0==100)//shicks木有声明呀.应该是chicks吗? printf("%d %d %d\n",cocks,hens,chicks); hens++; } cocks++; }}

袁蚁15354509140: c语言编程 帮忙解决两道问题 -
花垣县林帖:: 4:#include "stdio.h"void main(){ int cocks,hens,chicks; printf("\t\t-----------------------------------\n"); printf("\t\tcocks hens chicks\n"); printf("\t\t-----------------------------------\n"); for(cocks=0;cocks<21;cocks++) for(hens=0;hens<33;hens++) { chicks=...