
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-14

PEP小学六年级英语里面Let's chant,Group work,Pair work,match and sa...
答:Touch your head / nose / ….教师发指令,学生做动作.2. 新课呈现(1) 呈现猴子图片,初步接触知识.教师在发指令时,加入 Touch your tail.当学生觉得茫然时,老师趁机出示课件(一只猴子)Look,We have no tails,but the monkey has.Look at the monkey,How long is the tail?在课件上呈现数据38cm.学生回答:...

答:一、词组 wash your hands 洗手 blow your nose 擤鼻子 brush your hair 梳头发 clean your ears 清洁耳朵 touch your toes 触摸脚趾 raise your arms 举起手臂 close your mouth 闭起嘴巴 left arm 左手臂 right leg 右腿 on the bed 在床上面 in the pencil-case 在铅笔盒里面 open your bo...


答:例如:"Simon says'Touch your head''hands on the desk'!"2、草图游戏这是一个训练听觉能力的游戏,老师让同学们拿出纸笔,然后播放录音内容。学生可以根据录音内容以草图去画,物体以方或圆块表示出来,在广场或圆块中写出该物体的名称。例:Let's draw our school/classroom.This is our classroom. Twenty-five d...

答:Lost as cut off a piece of hair habitual touch the tail was caught air. 49、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不要。 Don't belong to me, I don't want to. Not true to me, I do not. 50、你不会明白,我是用多大的勇气,去看完她在你空间的留言。 You will not understand...

答:tail n.尾巴;末尾部分tailor n.裁缝 vt.裁制衣服take vt.拿;抓;拿走;吃tale n.故事,传说talent n.天才;才能;人才talk vi.讲话 vt.谈论tall n.高的,身材高的tame a.驯服的;顺从的tan n.棕褐色 a.棕黄色的tank n.坦克;大容器,槽tap vt.&vi.&n.轻叩tap n.塞子;龙头 vt.开发tape n.线带;磁带,...

答:When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but CHORUS I'll be there for you (When the rain starts to pour)I'll be there for you (Like I've been there before)I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too)You're still in ...

答:FS是free style的缩写,意思是自由风格。free style 音标:英 [fri: stail] 美 [fri sta?l]释义:n.自由式 双语例句:1、The swimmer won a bronze in the free style.那位游泳选手赢得了自由式的铜牌。2、Yes. I can also teach you the free style and the breaststroke.可以。我还可以教...

答:I'll grasp your tail and stroke each lender gill My sweet prince Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Makihiki malahini-who Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu Now this is where we lean into the whole kabuki thing (Sharpay Ryan & Girls) The clouds turned grey, and the big sky cried ...

答:I almost feel your touch. This is only happened since I fell in love with you. Why this word does this, I haven't got a clue. Love不单是一个字, 它还代表了许多意涵, 当我看到这四个字母的时候 我几乎能感受到你内心的感动 但是这只是发生在, 我爱上你之后, 为何这个字有如此的魔力, 我...


茹询18223831376: 英语的作文,写我家的宠物怎么写?一定是要英语的啊!猫、狗.都可以! - 作业帮
海林市逄受::[答案] Not long ago,my house for a "sir",it was fluffy,much like cotton candy,so sometimes I just call it cotton candy.Didn't expect it,... it long ears to face is half a covered,eyes YuanLiuLiu,like two black pearl star.The small white happy,always swinging its tail,...

茹询18223831376: Get your tail in a grind?怎么翻译啊 -
海林市逄受:: 韬光养晦.夹着尾巴作人.tail 在英文里有 趾高气昂意,比如:with your tail beween your legs.就是夹着尾巴,表垂头丧气.

茹询18223831376: 流血的尾巴英文版 -
海林市逄受:: 我想应该是下面这个[Andersson]I'll take your command, right out in the feildsI'm leaving my spirit when the oceans turns to seaI'm crossing the darkness when you want me to...

茹询18223831376: 如何获取 RecyclerView 的滑动距离 -
海林市逄受:: 1、有两种方法: (1)可参照: switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: DownX = event.getX();//float DownX DownY = event.getY();&#...

茹询18223831376: 920T点击音量键后出现铃声图标,点击一下,只能切换铃声 - 静音,或者是铃声+振动 - 振动,不能直接开关振动 -
海林市逄受:: 开关振动在设置-铃声+声音.