
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:Let us go there,will you? 在口语中,也可用下面形式: Let’s go fishing. All right(or OK)? 我们去钓鱼,好吗? (17)主从复合句的附加问句 1)复合句的反意疑问句一般是根据主句的主语和谓语形式构成反意疑问部分的,如: He said that we were happy,didn’t he? 2)复合句的主句是I think(expect,...

请问下这个句子中,is there 是作为什么成分,起什么作用?
答:这里的 is there 不能放在一起分析,is 是连系动词作谓语,there 是副词作状语,对应后半句话中的介词短语in words.它修饰表语形容词complete (完整的)。、

答:()3./e/ ()4./æ/ ()5./ɑ:/ A.father D.mask 按要求写单词。(10分)1.different(名词)6.let’s(完整形式)同音词)7.he(宾格)3.many(同义词)8.touch(第三人称单数)过去式)9.there(反义词)...


答:【aren't】一、 读音 英式读音:[ɑ?nt]美式读音:[ɑ?rnt]are not 的常用口语形式;am not的口语形式,用于疑问句或附加疑问句中。二、 释义 :不是、都不是等含义;三、 双语例句 例句 1. You're a great one for quizzes, aren't you?你是智力竞赛老手,不是吗?例句 2. There ...

用动词的适当形式填空: 10' 1. There is a wallet ___ (lie) on the...
答:1。答案lying。There be + n.句子结构已经完整,lying on the floor是现在分词做后置定语,修饰前面的名词wallet,表明wallet与lie之间的关系为主动关系,钱包自己躺在或者位于地板上。2。答案writes。who在这指的是写的最好的那一位学生,为单数,所以谓语动词write需要加s。3。答案ask。Why not+do ...

答:5.are not(缩写)___6. let's(完整形式)___ 7.lady(复数)___ 8.two(同音词)___ 9.right(反义词)___ 10.this(复数)___ 四.选择填空: ( )1)May ___ got a Chinese book. a. is b. has c. have ( )2)This is Mr Li's room. ___ room...

答:三.按要求写出单词的适当形式。 复数形式--- 2.see同音词--- 3.cycle现在分词--- 4.Let's 完整形式--- 5.near 反义词--- 四.连词成句。1. are lots there in festivals February of .2. are wall they to you going colour the white .3. Can have I soup some ?4. Daming...

用下面动词的正确形式填空 cause damage hold include invite make...
答:1.Cheese _is made_ from milk.2.The roof of the building___was damaged___in a storm a few days ago.3.There's no need to leave a tip.(inluding)句子没完整?4. You _were invited___ to the wedding.why didn't you go?5.A cinema is a place where films___are shown...

答:2、who's 英 [huːz]、美 [huːz]意思:尤当 has 为助动词时, who is 或 who has 的常用口语形式。用法:He has his name in Who's Who. 他的名字已上了《名人录》。3、there 英 [ðeə(r)]、美 [ðer]意思:在,往哪里。在哪点上,方面。用法...


拓缪13094919450: by(同音词)是什么I,have,got(缩写形式) write(同音词)there"s(复数)let"s(完全形式)by(同音词) -
图们市彭韵:: by(bye) I,have,got(I've got) write(right) there"s(there are) lets(let us) by(buy)

拓缪13094919450: There is -
图们市彭韵:: There be 句型有就近原则.例:There is a pen and a book.There be 句型翻译为“这里有……”.There be 句型里边用非谓语形式,不一定是用进行时. 非谓语动词包括: 现在分词(动名词) doing sth表示主动和正在进行 过去分词 done sth 表示被动和完成 动词不定式 to do sth 表示主动和将来 这个也根据具体需要来选择这三种形式 There is little time left.这里就用过去分词,表示剩下的时间很少,表被动,是被剩下的. There are many people living here.这里people是居住在这里的 ,表示主动,所以用动名词

拓缪13094919450: send(现在分词) that(缩写) dance(动名词) family(复数) there is(缩写) it has got(缩写)there are(缩写) can't(完全形式) let's(完全形式) - 作业帮
图们市彭韵::[答案] sending that没有缩写 dancing families there's it had、it's got there're can not let us

拓缪13094919450: 英语的there is(复数)是什么?I'II(完整形式)是什么?them的(单数)什么?`我很及的 - 作业帮
图们市彭韵::[答案] there are I have him