
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

what does the fox say歌词
答:But if you meet a friendly horse 但如果你遇到,一匹友善的马 Will you communicate by 你们沟通是否用 mo-o-o-o-orse mo-o-o-o-orse 摩,摩,摩,摩丝密码,摩,摩,摩 How will you speak to that 你会怎么说 ho-o-o-o-orse ho-o-o-o-orse ho-o-o-o-orse 马,马 ,马...

justin bieber 的baby歌词。还要中文翻译,要带rap部分的。
答:Baby, baby, baby ohh like baby, baby, baby noo like baby, baby, baby ohh I thought you'd always be mine x2 yeah yeah yeah ~ I'm gone 我离开了 lemon tree的中文对照歌词 I'm sitting here in a boring room.我坐在这——一间空屋子里 it's just another rainy sunday afternoon。这也...

Justing Bieber《Favorite Girl》《Baby》的歌词
答:so girl let's write a fairytale 女孩让我们一描绘童话 and show 'um how we feel 说出我们的感觉 you're who I'm thinkin of 你是我想念的人 girl you ain't my runner up 女孩你不是第二 and no matter what you're always number one 不管怎样你永远是第一 my prize posession 我的...

Like a Rock 是谁唱的?
答:to hang upfeels like theres no wayit can be donepickin’ up the phoneand it weighs about a tonbut still not as heavy as your hearttryin to make amendsnot sure where youshould starteven if you talkwhat do you sayits a scary thoughtdon’t let pride get in the waywhat a ...

答:almost all the way to the side?Bump this, bump this (Yeah, bump it!)What'cha think ya doin'?Blind people smashin' up my ride really is a lag!Bump this, bump this![/CHORUS]The solution here is that you blind fool needs some mo' school to fix them damn eyes why ya ...

初学者超简单的英文歌 歌曲介绍
答:No way! No way!I think you need a new one Hey! Hey! You! You!I could be your girlfriend Hey! Hey! You! You!I know that you like me No way! No way!You know its not a secret Hey! Hey! You! You!I want to be your girlfriend Youre so fine, I want...

谁能帮我翻译下这首歌啊Ldy Lickem i'm sorry
答:Cuhs你知道theres没有人,但您。[新诗1 ; Ldy Lickem ]只听婴儿/ 期待对不起/的事情我做过/ 顺便说一下我的东西,我说/ 我知道我acussed你cheattin '不时/ 但是知道/我只是说他们cuhs的想法在我心中/ 忘记时间的其他fellas ,您唯一的/我要在我身边/ 坚持使用我,我乘坐和死亡/ 你是我的丈夫...

答:Gabriella I gotta say what's in my mind 我不得不说出我在想什么 Something about us doesn't seem right these days 我们之间的某些东西最近似乎不是很对劲 life keeps getting in the way Whenever we try,每当我们尝试时, 生活总是阻碍着,somehow the plans always rearranged 不知为何,计划...

my prayer 的歌词。devotion的,最好就有中英文对照的。
答:when the darkness falls will you please shine her the way 当黑夜来临时你能给她光明吗 god will you let her know that i love her so 上帝你能不能让她知道我如此爱她 when theres no one there that she's not alone 让她知道即使世界上没有其他人她也不会孤单 just close her eyes ...

答:When Im having a bad day, I would rather stay in bed, but I know theres a reason. I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah Between the good ...I'm always here if you're thinking of The story of the tears from your eyes 如果上天让我实现一个愿望 那只希望和唯一给我幸福的你再见一面 ...


雍独18080811415: 实数xyzw满足x≥y≥z≥w≥0,切5x+4y+3z+6w=100.求x+y+z+w的最大值和最小值 -
绍兴市宦变:: 先换下元z=w+a,y=w+a+b,x=w+a+b+c 那么题目变为:a,b,c,w都非负,18w+12a+9b+5c=100,求4w+3a+2b+c的最值.为了方便说明再换元(其实不用的)4w=r,3a=s,2b=t 题目再次变为:r,s,t,c都非负,4.5r+4s+4.5b+5c=100,求r+s+t+c的最值 (看来把100分给r,s,t,c,都给s,能达最大,都给c能达到最小) (又,不熟悉小学奥数学什么,也许有更适合的理解办法)

雍独18080811415: 已知函数f(x)=Asin(wx+a)x∈R(A大于0,w大于0, 0<a<2分之π)的周期为π -
绍兴市宦变:: 因为函数f(x)=Asin(wx+a)x∈R(A大于0,w大于0 ,0因为其图像上一个最低点为M(3分之2π,-2),所以2*3分之2π+a=2分之3π,得a=6分之π,A=2 所以f(x)=Asin(wx+a)=2sin(2x+6分之π) (2)因为是开区间,所以没有最值.

雍独18080811415: double a,b; int w; long c; 以下表达式正确的是?A.a=a+b=b++ B.w%((int)a+b) C.(c+w)%(int)a D.w=a==b -
绍兴市宦变:: C是对的~~~ A:拆开来分析 a=b++(对的),但a+b=b++(这样的赋值语句是错的) B: 运算符% 只能用在整型上,((int)a+b)是double 型的,它仅仅对a进行强制转换,而b仍然是double 型,所以二者相加还是double型 C: 运算符== 是用在判断语句上的,如:if(a==b)