
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30

答:reach the amount of exercise!所以,骑单车的好处是,感觉很轻松,但身体的运动量却能很快达到!Neil always was an outdoors type of guy, always up for a spot of cycling, hiking or rock-climbing.尼尔是那种喜爱户外活动的男人,只要来点骑车旅行、远足或攀岩之类的活动,他就会情绪高涨。

有take a horse ride这种说法吗?
答:有的,take 后跟休闲式运动很常见,如take a holiday,度假,take a ride,开车兜风,既然有take a joy ride 逍遥游这一成语,就有take a horse ride 这一变体。

l want to do 什么a ride in your new car?
答:从ride前的不定冠词a也可以推断出,ride在这里是作名词 in your new car 意思是, 在你的新车里,new 表示新的, 形容词修饰名词car.所以句子的意思是, 我想在你的新车里怎么样一次乘坐。缺的是动词。固定搭配, take a ride , 又因为want to do sth的短语, 动词用原形, 所以填 动词原形take.也...

答:这里给出一些ride在英语中的常见用法,帮助您更好地理解这个词语:I ride my bike to work every day. (我每天骑自行车上班)We decided to take a ride on the Ferris wheel.(我们决定坐摩天轮玩一下)Can you give me a ride to the airport tomorrow?(明天你能送我去机场吗?)4. That ...

Ride On A Meteoriter一首急速驾驶途中顶级音乐,可惜LRC歌词 搜遍网络...
答:Take a ride, take a ride Take a ride on a meteorite Dreams are reality Fuckin' trip in ecstasy The old man, he played one He knick-knacks on my thumb With a knick-knack paddy wack Give the dog a bone The old man came rolling home Take a ride, take a ride Take a ...

...am a mountain, I am a sea, you can't take it away from me._百...
答:All the way to the horizon I took a drink out of the ocean and I'm treading water there before I drown Let's dive, I want to dive To the bottom of the ocean Took a ride, I took a ride I wouldn't go there without you Let's take a ride, we'll take a ride I ...

答:你想做我的车兜兜风吗译为英文为Would you like to go for a ride in my car。重点词汇解释:1、ride v. 骑,乘(自行车、摩托车或马等),搭乘(地铁、火车);驾驭,支配,试图控制(某人)并强迫其工作;飘浮;穿越,翻越; 依赖于,取决于;数落,嘲弄;被(巨大冲力)带走,得益于 n. ...

We took a helicopter ride over stonehenge.这句里为什么用ride,ride...
答:这里应当是固定用法,即take a ride over,意思大概为以…交通方式翻越……helicopter为修饰,即乘直升飞机……希望能帮到你

A Ride In The Snow
答:Let's take a ride in the snow 让我们乘着雪橇在雪中 No need to know where we go 不需要知道去往何方 Get on a sleigh thru the night 乘上雪橇穿越夜晚 The feeling's merry and bright 感受到愉快和欢乐 Let's take a ride in the snow 让我们乘着雪橇在雪中 At Christmas time ...

答:go for a ride 骑车兜风,骑马出游 ride a bike 骑自行车 bus ride 乘公共汽车 ride out 安全渡过;经受得住 ride home 骑车回家 ride a horse 骑马 a rough ride 艰难的进程 hitch a ride [美国口语]要求免费搭车 free ride 搭便车;搭顺风车;免费乘车;自由通过 take a ride 兜风;载一程 r...


颛学17390474721: take a have a ride意思一样吗 - 作业帮
罗平县农江::[答案] 1.指乘某种交通工具兜一圈 He took a bus ride in the city.他乘公共汽车在市里兜了一圈儿. 2.搭乘 3.兜风模式 4.载一程

颛学17390474721: 有take a horse ride这种说法吗? -
罗平县农江:: take a horse ride 骑马

颛学17390474721: take a bike ride求翻注 -
罗平县农江:: take a bike ride,应该没有这种组合.可以是take a bike、ride a bike、by bike,均为骑车的意思.例如:i take a bike to school=i ride a bike to school=i go to school by bike 我骑车上学.

颛学17390474721: ...  “take a (the) +交通工具名词”表示“乘;坐”某种交通工具.如:take a bus (乘公共汽车) , take a train (乘火车) 等等.“ride+限定词+交通工... - 作业帮
罗平县农江::[答案] 尝试:She rides a bike to school.或 She goes to school by bike.

颛学17390474721: take a ride 的中文是什么? -
罗平县农江:: 有事可以当“兜风”讲.也可以当“搭乘”讲