
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-28

答:adj. 各向异性的;[例句]The elastic stability problems of wellbore are studied according to the anisotropicstrength criterion.简要论述该各向异性强度准则,根据该准则研究了井筒的弹性稳定问题。[其他] 形近词: nonisotropic nonisotropic anisotrophy ...

英语 翻译
答:“文摘:当前的方法来确定潮气敏感性沥青混凝土的混合物是美国协会的状态 公路交通官员AASHTO T283。AASHTO T283是基于混凝土配合比设计方法,但马歇尔公司的 现在状态下的实践为沥青混凝土配合比的设计是Superpave组合设计方法。没有一个过渡 在测试程序,从马歇尔混凝土配合比设计Superpave Superpave混凝土配合比设...

答:您好 时间的腐蚀开始采用相对为准则 保护提供给钢周围的平原和microsilica-blended 水泥混凝土由于证明两个原因:一、腐蚀的过程 包含两个不同的阶段,布朗1983年Tuutti 1980年),腐蚀 启蒙时期和腐蚀传播时间的助教。腐蚀 传播时间导致一个明确的水平的不可接受的伤害。开裂 和剥落的混凝土,尽管通常是失败的...

答:To respect the right of the citizens 13.取势~借力 To adopt the momentum - borrow the strength 14.聚势~合力 To gather the momentum - combine the strength 15.乘势~发力 To seize the momentum - unleash the strength

答:成语以及英文翻译如下:晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue 浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water 轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather 空中楼阁 castle in the air 破釜沉舟 to burn the boat 如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice 守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves;...

答:Commitment is to do with all the strength 7 perfect implementation of the guidelines, do not look for any excuse Refused under the pretext of a perfect implementation of So the implementation of the letter from the company 8 guidelines to work every day with enthusiasm With a ...

答:88. 蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off 89.心想事成May all your wish come true 90.心照不宣have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding 91.先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched. 92.先下手为强catch the ball before the bound 93.像热锅上的蚂蚁like an...

哪位大侠有工业设计或产品设计方面的英文文章,跪求,一定追加分_百度知 ...
答:Through the CIS design, so that enterprises have the visual impact can be clearly shows that corporate personality, strength and confidence in enterprises is a manifestation. A successful business must be a cohesive internal and external consumers can trust and identity, thereby enhancing corporate ...

答:it is not always because of beauty (the ugly doorkeeper quasimodo in the hunchback of notre dame is loved by the beautiful gypsy girl esmeralda),nor kindness (hitler also has his mistress),nor wisdom ( even the blockhead may sometimes marry a beautiful girl),nor strength love is like ...


季美18995002646: strength of materials 期刊怎么样 -
京山县穆庾:: STRENGTH MATER+杂志属于行业,“”子行业的不明级别杂志(MedSci注:行业主要源于JCR分区,仅供参考).中科院分区: 目前该杂志没有进入中科院分区收录之列

季美18995002646: 骑马与砍杀1.011一些秘籍用不了? -
京山县穆庾:: 总共有两个办法,不过用完了几乎没什么游戏性了,楼主三思:1.楼主打开作弊模式(在选项里打开),在游戏中打开物品栏按CTRL+X是加1000第纳尔(钱) ;打开角色栏按CTRL+X是加1000经验;...

季美18995002646: 断裂强度和抗拉强度的区别是什么?
京山县穆庾:: 抗拉强度是试样断裂前所承受的最大工程应力,记为σb;拉伸断裂时的真应力称为断裂强度记为σf;两者之间有经验关系:σf=σb(1+ψ);脆性材料的抗拉强度就是断裂强度...

季美18995002646: KdF (Strength through Joy) organization,什么意思? -
京山县穆庾:: KDF即Kraft durch Freude(德语)中文的意思是“快乐的力量”(Strength through Joy)organization 是非营利性组织 或 体制什么的应该是 KDF体制 的意思