
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

serve oneself是什么意思?
答:2.self-service ['self'sə:vis] 基本释义n. 自助;[贸易] 自我服务;自助式销售 adj. 自选的;顾客自理的 The extra convenience that self-service affords can also bring in new customers.自助服务的额外好处是他能吸引新客户。3.从上面的句子可以看出 serve oneself 是自我服务的意思...

答:vt.出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴 present oneself,invite,serve,board,mind vi.出席;致力于;照料;照顾 present oneself,nurse

答:aid , serve 同根词 词根: help adj.helpful 有帮助的;有益的 helpless 无助的;无能的;没用的 helping 辅助的;给予帮助的 adv.helplessly 无助地;无能为力地 helpfully 有益地;有用地 n.helper 助手,帮手 helping 帮助,协助;一份食物 helpfulness 有益;有助 v.helping 帮助;扶持(h...

下面这两句话中的“have”和“have a dinner”中的“have”是同一种用 ...
答:(1)用法是一样的,虽然翻译的意思不同,但是学习语言要灵活运用。have的基本意思就是“有”,此句中的have birthday party直接翻译为有一个生日派对,那我们就意译为“举办生日派对”,have a dinner直接翻译为有一个晚餐,意译为“吃晚餐”。(2)in不可以替换为during 虽然二者都有“在一段...

答:start ~ 出发 send ~ 发送 break ~ 爆发,逃脱serve ~ 分发口粮 drop ~ 离开,退出5) 搞清,弄明白(in or into notice and clearness)find ~ 找出 figure ~ 算出,解决make ~ 弄清 count ~ 点清 come ~ 出版,出现catch ~ 看出 carry ~ 完成, bear ~ 证明 bring ~ 发表,说出fill ~ 使完全, 添满...

答:记得电影蓝博里是这样说的:一切靠自己:ALL DEPEND ON YOURSELF 这个是我说的:成功靠自己:succeed by yourself 这种励志语言要求简洁有力

答:help的意思是帮助,句中作为名词和动词使用。help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救 n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西 vi. 帮助;有用;招待 n. (Help)人名;(芬)海尔普 短语 1、Help Yourself 自便 ; 请自便 ; 随便吃 ; 别客气 2、HELP University 精英大学...

答:Just a serve Xu Wanwen and I started around "pass", we quickly rushed to the front two step by step, finally to teammates, he aimed at rebounds, and strive to play the past. The ball, turned several turn in rebounds as the puppy home, let the heart hanging up. Students silently ...

i will take up myself to serve the people
答:I will take upon myself to serve the people.句意:我将履职尽责,为人民服务。分析;take upon oneself意思是“承担责任”。(仅供参考,如扰,勿怪)

答:square的中文意思:平方的,正方形的,直角的,正直的 词汇解析 square 英[skweə];美[skwɛr]adj. 平方的;正方形的;直角的;正直的 vt. 使成方形;与…一致 vi. 一致;成方形 n. 平方;广场;正方形 adv. 成直角地 例:Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in...


柴注15044075822: 有关于have的用法. -
让胡路区花谈:: 例如翻译:我没有苹果. ①I don't have apples.have动词,及物,否定当然用don't ②I haven't got apples.美国口语,have got= have ③I haven't apples.have 特殊动词用法,否定+not,疑问句nave提前.与be,情态动词等特殊动词的用法相同.英国口语常用. 那③这种说法可以吗?都正确,注意适用范围.

柴注15044075822: serve 的用法 具体 -
让胡路区花谈:: 【动词】(给…)提供;端上:serve sth (with sth) / serve sth (to sb) / serve sb sth【动词】够…吃(或用):This dish will serve four hungry people. 这盘菜够四个饿汉吃.【动词】接待;服务:Are you being served? 有人接待您吗?【动词】对...

柴注15044075822: serve 的用法 -
让胡路区花谈:: First come, first served. 先到先招待; 先到先供应. serve as [for] 作为...用; 担任; 起...作用 serve on 担任...的职; 成为...中的一员 【律】(依法向某人)宣读, 出示[交付](传票, 拘票等) serve out 发给, 分配 做到期满, 学到期满 给予报...

柴注15044075822: relieve oneself是什么意思 -
让胡路区花谈:: relieve oneself 英[riˈli:v wʌnˈself] 美[rɪˈliv wʌnˈsɛlf] [释义] 解手; 便; 净手; 上厕所; [网络] 大小便; 去卫生间; [例句]If the puerpera is in, face antenatal relieve oneself not easy eduction, can adopt the measure of enema and ...

柴注15044075822: deceive oneself and others是什么意思 -
让胡路区花谈:: deceive oneself and others 自欺欺人; 例句:1.Deceive oneself and others story, never on me again. 自欺欺人的剧情,永远不会在我身上上演.2.Know your signature is written not for me, but I deceive oneself and others condemnation. 明知道...