
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

come to an end的翻译是:什么意思?
答:something come to an end sb.come to the end of sth.come to the end到尽头 极限,结束 告终 [英][kʌm tu: ðə end][美][kʌm tu ði ɛnd]例句:When you come to the end of the street, bear to the left.当你走到街道尽头时,向左转。co...

come to an end是什么意思
答:come to an end的意思是:结束,终止;完事;期满;平息 end 读法 英 [end] 美 [ɛnd]1、作名词的意思是:结束;目标;尽头;末端;死亡 2、作不及物动词的意思:结束,终止;终结 3、作及物动词的意思:结束,终止;终结 短语:1、at the end of 在……尽头;在……结束时 2、by t...

come to an end什么意思?
答:"Come to an end"是一个常用的英语表达,意思是结束或终结。它表示某个活动、过程或事件已经完成或达到了终点。当我们说某事物"comes to an end"时,我们指的是它已经结束或停止进行。例如:- The movie came to an end after two hours.(电影在两个小时后结束了。)- The project is coming ...

答:“结束了”的英语单词是: come to an end.其他单词: It's over、 this is the end、 the end.例句:已经结束了的 Has come to an end ; had already concluded the ; Over 现在结束了 But it's over now ; That's over now 比赛结束了 Play the game out 最终还是结束了 Finally ...

答:正确come to an end。解释如下:关于短语“come to an end”的解释 1. 含义理解:“come to an end”是一个常用的英语短语,直译为“到达结束”。这个短语用来描述某件事物或情况已经完成了其过程,到达了终点或结束了。2. 语境应用:这个短语常用于描述时间、活动、会议、旅程等的结束。例如,“...

三个和 end 有关的用法
答:今天和大家分享三个和 end 有关的用法。No. 1 come to an end come to an end 意思是完结,结束,相当于 finish。例句:Everyone wishes the war would come to an end soon.每个人都希望战争尽快结束。No. 2 be at the end of sth be at the end of sth,意思是所剩无几,到…的尽头...

All good things must come to an end是什么意思
答:All good things must come to an end:天下无不散之宴席。其缩略形式:all good things must end 重点词组:come to an end 英 [kʌm tu: æn end] 美 [kʌm tu ən ɛnd]v.结束,终止;完事;期满;平息 例句:1、All good things must come to an end...

come to and end? 是什么意思
答:come to an end 一个常见的短语表示某件事情的结束

是come to an end还是come to the end
答:应该是come to an end,是固定词组,表示:结束;完结,告终;例句:We could draw yet another picture of a different way a life could come to an end.我们能描绘另一幅生命开始和结束的画面。

答:End是一个多义词,它可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词,end的意思是“结束”、“末尾”、“目标”等。作为动词,end的意思是“结束”、“终止”、“终结”等。以下是end常见的一些固定搭配:come to an end:结束、终止,例如The party came to an end at midnight.(聚会在午夜结束了。)bring ...


谭星18928028626: come to an end 同义词 - 作业帮
平桥区燕廖::[答案] 同近义词 v.结束 draw to an end, bring to a close, be at the end, put an end to something, be over

谭星18928028626: come to an end 同义词 -
平桥区燕廖:: 同近义词 v.结束 draw to an end, bring to a close, be at the end,put an end to something, be over

谭星18928028626: come to an end与come to the end of有什么不同 - 作业帮
平桥区燕廖::[答案] come to the end到尽头 极限 come to an end结束

谭星18928028626: be at an end与come to an end的区别 -
平桥区燕廖:: be at an end ,完结;耗尽;是用于表述状态的短语:例如,Her life is at an end.她死了 come to an end ,告终;结束;完结;耗尽;是用于表述动作的短语:例如,Her life comes to an end.她要死了

谭星18928028626: come to an end用英语解释句子 -
平桥区燕廖:: an come to end