
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:self-funded词性是形容词,意思是:自费的。例句:1、Self-funded students are responsible for any expenses on medical treatment, medicine and hospitalization.自费留学生医疗费、药品费和住院费全部自理。2、Therefore, most school clubs are self-funded, mostly from membership fees.因此,多数社团...

加拿大self-funded researcher 应该办什么签证
答:加拿大的签证资料如下 护照原件(6个月以上的有效期)白底彩色相片2张(50毫米X50毫米)(在照片背面用铅笔签名)申请表.请如实填写 身份证正反复印件 户口本整本复印件 结婚证或离婚证复印件(如已婚或离婚)营业执照副本复印件或组织代码证副本复印件盖公章 在职证明原件 房产证复印件或购房复印件+购...

答:在当今旅游业中,自助游(self-organized expedition)作为一种新兴的旅行方式日益流行,它与自费旅行(self-funded travel)、私人游(private tour)、独立游(independent travel)以及DIY游等概念密切相关。自助游的特点在于游人可以根据自身条件,如时间、预算和身体状况,自由选择并组合旅行服务,这种模式更...


self-guided tour是什么意思
答:自助旅游 双语对照 词典结果:self-guided tour 自由行;很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

答:I confirm that I am fully funded by (self funded/my parents/name of sponsor) and I receive (XXX money each month/year). I have enclosed evidence (you will need to include your three months original bank statements/if you have a sponsor then also evidence to confirm this) of...

答:Self-funded positions:Prospective candidates should start by emailing the person they would like to have as their first supervisor (see also people). Please include at least a CV and research proposal.Once the prospective supervisors declare their availability and support, the student ...

答:My name is XXX, 22 year old.XX years XX months from my normal school art teacher professional plan * * art expense in the year XX from graduation. Because the state is no longer on the self funded students are assigned, and that I missed the most glorious sun occupation. ...

答:Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports Job Title: Accounting Job description: Routine 1.reimbursement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period Business communication with foreign customers Reasons for leaving: Self-improvement Company's name:Fo ...

答:However, I don't care much about it, for grades do not mean all. 20. Do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability? 你认为你的分数真实反映了你的能力吗? No. Because the exams cannot test all things that I know. They can only reflect my ability in mastering knowledge that ...


湛霞18251835126: 一道英语题,关于care for 的用法. -
猇亭区伍枯:: care for的意思有很多,比如:喜欢/愿意/照顾/牵挂/尊重/计较等.此处意思是“照顾/照料”.翻译:美国不断寻求新的方式来照料数量不断增加的有身体限制的老年人.

湛霞18251835126: 高分!take care of 的被动语态??? -
猇亭区伍枯:: 我认为此类被动用哪个词, 取决于作者希望对哪个内容进行强调. 以此句为例 We should pay more attention to state affairs. 我们应该更关注国家大事 如果想强调关注的内容是国家大事而非其它事, 则可以 State affairs should be paid more attention to. 如果想强调的是更关注. 则说 More attention should be paid to stare affairs. 而以上两种说法在语法上都是可以说通的, 孰优孰劣取决于上下的语境

湛霞18251835126: care的用法 以及由这个词联想到的语法知识 -
猇亭区伍枯:: n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑 vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑 vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 1. beyond (或 past) caring不关心;不管,不理会2. could care less[短语 couldn't care less的讹用][口语]一点也不在乎;毫不关心,根本不放在心上3. drown care(...

湛霞18251835126: 把这句话翻译成英文:世界不会在意你的自尊,人们看到的只是你的成就,在你没有成就以前,切勿过分强调自尊 -
猇亭区伍枯:: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.看到这句就觉得眼熟,比尔盖茨10大名言啊