
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28



  I am XX university art academy students. I especially love art, and my training course is a professional art, I hope to engage with art related occupation, such as teachers, art designers, when I see the art teacher recruitment information of the unit, I am willing to be a member of your school.

  During the period of school, my professional course of outstanding achievements, art of profound knowledge, years of scholarship. I also master the art, music, drama, literature and other aspects of the basic theory and basic knowledge. And has strong organizational ability and social ability, can work well independently, and together with other people. Develop team spirit, have achieved outstanding results in various activities.

  I want to make progress in my mind. "Dedication" is my credo in my life. "Youth" and "plasticity" are my capital. I sincerely hope to join your school and contribute my artistic talent to the development of your school


  Honorable interviewers, judges, teachers:

  Hello! I know this opportunity not easily won, I understand that this is all a must for me, I will not let you down, I will cherish this opportunity, let everyone see my strength.

  My name is XXX, 22 year old.XX years XX months from my normal school art teacher professional plan * * art expense in the year XX from graduation. Because the state is no longer on the self funded students are assigned, and that I missed the most glorious sun occupation. Fortunately, when the horse mill elementary school teacher shortage, the introduction, I was a year as a temporary substitute teachers in the primary school.

  Recall that time really is both sweet and beautiful, is a substitute for a very low wage, but the students listened to the teacher around the side, the teacher called a non-stop, looking at the pairs of eyes full of confidence, that a childish face, living in all the unhappy have vanished. I thought. If not positive, as long as the school needs, is life as a substitute teacher I have most willing to. Unexpectedly, XX since the country began to return the temporary and substitute teacher, received a verbal notice after school, I am unable to part the mood, quietly left the school.

  Today, I want to pass the exam to the rostrum to see is so urgent! My family has three sisters, two sisters to work, in order to take care of the elderly parents already, I always stay with them. I had opened the exhibition, the first business handicraft, and business clothing but. No matter how well you do business, when a glorious people's teacher is always my heart and wish to give life to pursue a career. I have participated in the exam, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I decided, as long as the chance, I have been admitted to, until the ideal to achieve so far.

  Now I, after the test of life, my rival in terms of age I no longer have the upper hand over, but I am more than they had a child of love, patience and responsibility, a more mature and confident.

  The teacher this occupation is sacred and great, he asked the teachers not only have a wealth of knowledge, but also a noble sentiment. Therefore, in normal reading, I will pay great attention to the comprehensive development of its own, widely develop their own interests and hobbies, and Xueyouzhuanzhang, do good at painting and calligraphy in addition, but also will sing, say, speak. Only high school teacher, who can Affirmative fan, I also pay attention to cultivate their noble moral sentiments while focusing on learning knowledge, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality, no bad habits and behavior. I think these are an education worker should have the most minimum quality.

  If I pass this interview, I will make great efforts to contribute to the cause of education, and dedicate my youth to the school so as to realize my own value


  My name is XXX. I'm XXX years old

  The following is my self introduction: three years under the guidance of the teacher, created a healthy and I am confident, confidence comes from strength, we must recognize that the society is constantly changing and developing, the demand for talent is also more and more high, but there are a lot of their own shortcomings and deficiencies, to to adapt to the development of the society, continuously improve the ideological understanding, improve themselves, to correct shortcomings.

  I study hard, the basic courses and specialized courses have achieved good results, have a solid professional knowledge in my efforts, and consciously through various activities to improve their practical ability, which a good foundation for future work .

  I pay attention to the cultivation of their ability in many aspects, especially in advertising design, mastering the plane advertisement design, VI design, logo design, packaging design, Secretary binding design, display design. Proficient in Word, Excel, Powerpoint software, Freehand, CorelDRAW and Photoshop application software and can complete VI design, People's Republic of China issued commercial art intermediate certificate and Photoshop6.0 intermediate certificate.

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