
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

答:The sports meet of our school was so exciting that everybody got very inspiring.But,it was a pity that Xioaming got hurt in the race.After the accident,Xiaogang,one of Xiaoming's classmates sent him to the school clinic.In the clinic,the doctor gave Xiaoming a treatment.Then...

答:when one of our friends fell off the single bar and broke his legs, we carried him to the school clinic for treatment. One day I lost my pair of glasses, and could not find it anywhere. Then all my friends helped me to look for it. Finally, I found the glasses in my ...

The___is in front of the school clinic.(boy)
答:补充主语应该是the boys' clinic ,整体看是个单数,所以用is

the school clinic is behind the boy's dormitory 保持句意不变_百度...
答:你好:1 The boy's dormitory is in front of the school clinic.2 It's time to go to the cinema.希望对您有帮助!

答:Title: The Investigation and Analysis of the Basic Situation of the Health Service and the Status Quo of the School Doctors (Healthcare Teachers) in the Primary and Middle Schools in Jiangsu Province Abstract Objectives: To understand the basic situation of the health service and the ...

答:he will hand cut, the teacher knew, hastily took me to the school clinic for processing. The blood stopped, and affix the band-aid, I was very excited, I am to have such a strict, caring and proud of our teacher.Ideal is a navigation beacon of life. Because of the ideal...

答:In Louisiana, the powerful chemical industry is unhappy with the Tulane Law School clinic, which has sued to increase air quality enforcement in the state.在路易斯安那州,杜兰法学院的诊所为了改善这个州的空气质量而起诉,而强大的化学工业却不高兴了。The State Legislature is considering ...

小学五年级上册 英语单词造句
答:用“have”造句如下:1、I don’t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。2、尽管欧元在日线图上处于超买水准,Have称,周线图反映出的情况则不同,这可能为欧元升至1.3510美元目标位提供动能。3、Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the ...

答:Tom is a good boy.Today ,he helped many pepole.Firty,he helped the blind lady cross the road on his way to school.Then he saw sone money at the school gate.He picked it up and give it to the teacher.Next,Bill was sick.And Tom with Billy to the school clinic quickly....

英语作文 From the school clinic
答:Dear Mr and Mrs Green, You son came to the clinic today at3:34.He was having fever. First we called you. Next he was asked to lie down and we took temperature for him. then he was given some medicines. He looked slight better after two hours...


强废13194608441: 英语作文school fiu clinic -
临沭县亢苛:: I usually go to three fast food restaurants near my school.Here is the resrarch peport.Jonas provides the best service because of the best quality and the most friendly service regardless of the most expensive price.But I still love it best .I think it ...

强废13194608441: 英文翻译(学校科室牌) -
临沭县亢苛:: 一年级 Grade One 二年级 Grade Two 三年级 Grade Three 四年级 Grade Four 五年级一班 Class One,Grade Five 六年级三班 Class Three,Grade Six 微机室 Computer Room卫星接收室Satellite Reception Room 光盘播放室CD Plaing Room 卫生...

强废13194608441: 英语作文,介绍校园环境,初中水平 -
临沭县亢苛:: We know, campus is for teachers and students to work, a place of learning, a good campus environment, can give us to feel fresh, beautiful feeling. Our campus although the area is not large, but the green is good, trees, birds sing and flowers give ...

强废13194608441: 大学学的是临床医学...这个专业用英语怎么说?是clinic medicine么? -
临沭县亢苛:: 临床医学的英语:Clinical Medicine 临床医学是研究疾病的病因、诊断、治疗和预后,提高临床治疗水平,促进人体健康的科学.临床”即“亲临病床”之意,它根据病人的临床表现,从整体出发结合研究疾病的病因、发病机理和病理过程,进...

强废13194608441: The school clinic is behind the - ------(boy)dormitor. -
临沭县亢苛:: The school clinic is behind the boys'(boy)dormitor.