
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

比赛延迟、改期或取消 英文翻译
答:比赛延迟:delay of game/the game was put off 比赛改期:The game was thrown off schedule 比赛取消:The game/match was cancelled 延迟:postpone 改期:change the date

答:12.Reschedule重新安排、改期Example:I need to reschedule the meeting due to an emergency.13.Availability时间、可用性Example:What is your availability for a call tomorrow?14.Reminder提醒、提示Example:Set a reminder for me to pay the rent on the 1st of next month.15.Confirm确认、证实...

答:1. Let's do it another day.(我们改天再做吧。)2. How about we postpone it for another time?(我们延后到另一个时间做怎么样?)3. I'm not available now, but we can schedule it for later.(我现在不方便,但我们可以安排在以后的时间。)4. Can we reschedule for another day...

答:如果是T4签证的话:1. 在vfs的页面上有个book an appointment是预约,点开除了有预约之外,还有cancel和reschedule。如果是想更改日期的话用reschedule就好。如果已经cancel了,重新用schedule来预约就可以了,就是多了一步而已。2. 如果之前填写的信息没问题的话,那用同一个GWF号预约就行了。3. 递你...

答:更改考试时间进入make an apointment页面,下面有个view gmat activity,点进去以后就能看到reschedule距离考试日期1-14天,改期收费标准如下。距离考试日期前15-60天,改期收费100美元。距离考试日期大于60天,改期收费50美元。距离考试日期前1-14天,退考手续费200美元。(可获得50美元退费)距离考试日期前...

答:I want to be mindful of your time and we don’t have any updates at this point; therefore I suggest that we cancel/reschedule today's meeting. If you disagree or need assistance, please let us know.My apologies for the late notice, but i need to reschedule tomorrow's call....


答:They would have left me a message asking to reschedule the meeting. Why?Because American-style appointments have a firm end as well as start time, and if you start late you won't be able to finish the business at hand without running beyond the scheduled ending time....

答:如果是T4签证的话:1. 在vfs的页面上有个book an appointment是预约,点开除了有预约之外,还有cancel和reschedule。如果是想更改日期的话用reschedule就好。如果已经cancel了,重新用schedule来预约就可以了,就是多了一步而已。2. 如果之前填写的信息没问题的话,那用同一个GWF号预约就行了。3. 递你...

想拒绝一个人时用英语该怎么说(尽量委婉)如题 谢谢了
答:5.Can we reschedule?在你取消计划之后,很重要的是要试着"reschedule"或约个新的时间。特别是在你取消了一个工作上的安排后。既然你是取消原定计划的人,那么试着重新安排时间的任务就应该落在你肩上。在取消计划之后,总是要问,"Can we reschedule?"这句话能让对方重新安排他们方便的时间,并且...


惠安13412105530: gmat延考怎么操作 -
宿迁市裴肯:: 在MBA.COM你的账户中找到你预约的考试,在你预约的考试右侧就会有Reschedule 这一项.点击,该日期,交钱就OK了.如果实在是找不到,在你的页面都会有一个搜索框,输入Reschedule即可.

惠安13412105530: reschedule for next week, 为什么不是to next week -
宿迁市裴肯:: reschedule 作动词用 for 名词用 to 我明白你的意思了 这里有两种理解 1.[so he had to reschedule our lunch] for next week. 2. so he had to reschedule (our lunch) [to next week] 不是所有的动词都和set 一样 可以乱加 to的

惠安13412105530: 请问贸易条款中cancellation window是什么意思? -
宿迁市裴肯:: 呵呵,做电子行业的应该都知道的如cancellation window=30 days before shipment 就是说你出货前30天内的订单是不可以取消的当然跟l/t有关系的,一般cancellation window 根据l/t和产品性质来定.l/t长的c/w也可以变短点 , 客制化的东西就是要ncnr了(no cancel no reschedule )类推reschedule window也是这个意思时间越短对买方越有利

惠安13412105530: 改变原来会议室地点B到A 中译英 - 作业帮
宿迁市裴肯::[答案] reschedule from conference room A to B change不合适、replace是置换物品

惠安13412105530: 写英语邮件培训
宿迁市裴肯:: 如何写英语邮件?工作中越来越多人面临到需要使用英文写邮件的时刻,而此时对方... therefore I suggest that we cancel/reschedule today's meeting. If you disagree or ...