
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

答:“宣传“的英文:publicity;”推广”的英文:generalize publicity 读法 英 [pʌb'lɪsɪtɪ] 美 [pʌb'lɪsəti]n. 宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;注意 短语:1、avoid publicity避免引人注意 2、give publicity公布 3、receive publicity受到广泛注意 4、seek...

答:结合影响老年糖尿病患者用药依从性的因素,从慢性病管理方式和方法中应规范社区卫生服务中心管理体系,充分履行职能;增加宣传的形式,提高宣传效果,以更好的普及糖尿病相关知识;提高慢性病管理者的综合能力,增加患者对医护人员的信任感。Combination of factors that influence the elderly diabetes medication...

答:popularize the Olympic spirit to the youth around the world 6、在年轻人之间提升体育运动意识和参与感。enhance the sports consciousness and the sense of participation among the youth 7、在奥林匹克发展运动中成为一个创新的平台。to create a innovation platform in the development of the ...

答:36.Successful 37.arrangement 38.interactive 39.encourage 40.popularize 41.original 42.satisfying 43.modesty 44.relaxation 45.signal Translation:46. The consellor made some pieces of advice of how to get the most out of advanced college education.47. The children aged about ten ...

答:2:每周向市民宣传有关破坏环境对人类的危害 2. Publicize the disadvantages of ruinning the environments to the citizen weekly.3:如果可以,应减少车辆或减少车辆排烟量 3. If possible, reduce the use of vehicles or the smoke emission of vehicles.4:使用无烟车 4. Popularize the use of...

答:随着经济水平的不断发展,人们的消费、生产方式日趋多样,城市生活垃圾的产生也日益增多。Along with the continuously develop of the economy level, people's consumption,mode of production is gradually diverse, city life garbage of the creation also increases increasingly.在众多的城市生活垃圾处理...

答:popularize universal awareness of environmental protection in order to further enhance our environmental awareness and to mobilize everyone would be more actively engaged in action to protect the ecological environment 13没有现代化的科学技术,就不可能建设现代农业、现代工业、现代国防。当然。提高...

答:This project can promote the culture communication between China and America, and popularize the development of the Chinese language,and strengthen the come-and go of the two peoples. And we can know more about American culture and their learning system. And at the time, we can ...

答:表一 镉处理对黄瓜嫁接苗的干鲜重的影响 :Table 1 Cadmium to popularize the dry fresh cucumber 表二 镉处理对黄瓜嫁接苗的主根长,茎粗,株高,叶面积的影响 Table 2 Cadmium to popularize the root length, cucumber plant height, stem, leaf area of influence 图1.不同砧木的黄瓜嫁接...

英文 翻译 急!谢谢
答:1.The style of this dress can be changed whenever and whatever you want.2.The temperature rises.3.turn into 或者change into ,但是要看楼主用在哪种语境,是物理变化,还是化学变化。4.popularize 或者 spread


太帖13797958364: popularize water - efficient irrigation methods是什么意思啊?? -
杭州市满泪:: 同学你好,很高兴为您解答! popularize water-efficient irrigation methods,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助.这个词语的汉语意思是:推广节水灌溉法. 希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道.高顿祝您生活愉快!

太帖13797958364: 托管,推广,经营,这几个英文字母是什么? -
杭州市满泪:: 托管:trusteeship 推广:popularize 经营:operate

太帖13797958364: popular可以用作动词么?使....更流行 -
杭州市满泪:: popularize 宣扬;宣传;推广 使通俗化;普及

太帖13797958364: 推广普通话用英语怎么说? -
杭州市满泪:: 推广普通话 popularize the mandarin

太帖13797958364: “推广发行” 英文怎么写?是宣传册上的一个主题的名称 就叫“推广发行” - 作业帮
杭州市满泪::[答案] Popularize and Publish 考虑到英语希望压头韵(alliteration),所以刚好配对了两个P开头的单词