
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

personality database为什么打不开了?
答:personalitydatabase是外网,估计是因为不可抗力被墙了。你要想看性格,还有很多备选。比如这个网站,数据是personality database授权(页尾有声明),可以搜索各种影视剧游戏,有中文翻译,内容还比personality database整理得好。网站名字叫getpersonality,链接是 电影 infp动漫角色 ...


翻译 英译汉

帮忙翻译下 求职信 (翻译文 英文)
答:I studied main courses such as computer basis, computer application, database, program design based on C++language, software engineering, data sturcture etc. Through studying and accepting all these knowledge, I mastered the basic concept for math science and had the ability to overcome...

答:database systems, computer networks, computer and application of the principle, data structure, information management, ERP and application of principles, information systems engineering, database design and application, management, decision-making model, C + + programming, JAVA Programming, C programming...

面试英语技巧 让你轻松应付面试官的苛刻问题
答:After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that ...

答:You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers. They will be examined and if approved will be included in a future update. Clicking the button on the left will take you through a step-by-step process. Robert Pattinson Memorabilia Books| All Products Bi...

答:对mysql,sqlsever2000 ,oracle等数据库有一定的操作实践。实践经历  2005.09—2006.06 毕业论文综合管理系统的设计与实现习 项目描述: 参加暨南大学“挑战杯”学术科技活动,获得好评 责任描述: 参与整个项目的统筹管理,负责与学校和老师的沟通,队员的协调分工,资料的整理以及数据库的设计与...

答:but also ready to use the database software to improve file management, simplifying the work process, this work is planning in progress. A total of 2 sets of archives were sent to the city group to receive acceptance, collecting 439 copies of scattered files, access to files 66 ...

答:2009/06: computer ACCESS database secondary certificates 2009/12: national college English test band 4 certificate 2010 2004/05: C1 license --- 1. 在校期间认真学习专业知识,学习成绩良好,并在课余大量阅读相关书籍丰富自己的知识面 1. During school learn professional knowledge seriously, th...


甫之18426368603: {性格}的英文是什麽? -
市辖区年从:: 性格: [ xìng gé ] 1. nature2. temperament3. character4. disposition 其它相关解释: <Semitism...

甫之18426368603: personality可数吗? -
市辖区年从:: personality [,pə:sə'næləti] n. 个性;品格;名人[ 复数personalities ]

甫之18426368603: personality是什么意思?
市辖区年从:: 人格;品格 eg:He has a double personality.他具有双重性格.

甫之18426368603: 边缘性人格障碍的自我检测是怎样的?
市辖区年从:: 由于研究和确诊边缘性人格障碍的诊断工具有很多,除了上述的DIB外,还有DIPDⅣ... SIDP-Ⅳ(theStructuredInterviewforDSM-ⅣPersonality),PDI-Ⅳ(...