
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

make a difference是什么意思?
答:make a difference:有影响; 起(重要)作用 例句:The land must make a difference too, in the shape of the clouds 陆地上一定也看得见异常的现象,那就是云的式样不同。

Does it make a big difference if you eat fruit every day 怎么翻译...
答:如果你每天都吃水果, 作用会很大吗?【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

是His gifts makes a big difference还是his gifts make
答:His gifts make a big difference因为gifts是复数,第三人称单数才在动词后加s,这是复数

谁能帮忙翻译下面一句话。 make as big a difference in the world as...
答:短语一 as + adj + as。。。 和什么什么一样 make a difference in the world ,通常说make a big difference 但由于上面as后面要跟形容词,要表达的是跟什么什么一样(大),所以big在前面了 联系这句话的上下文理解一下, 这句话的意思是 国务卿希拉里克林顿上周于纽约表示,如同疫苗及蚊帐的...

Together,individuals can make a big difference.Pl

make a difference to是什么意思
答:n. 制造;构造;性情 difference:英 ['dɪf(ə)r(ə)ns] 美 ['dɪfrəns]n. 差异;不同;争执 短语:make a real difference to 做一个真正的差异;发挥真正的作用;正在翻译 make a difference to someone 我希望我能够 make a big difference to 作出很大的...

doing some small thing can make a big difference
答:doing some small thing can make a big difference 做一些小事可以产生很大的影响 doing some small thing can make a big difference 做一些小事可以产生很大的影响

Luck make a big difference __my life 填to 还是 in?为什么?

A small action can make a big difference
答:A small action can make a big difference Nowadays more and more people get confused. for what? for they always pay more attention to the things they think is important. When the chance go by, they regret that they just ignore the small action.that is right. small action play ...

我父母是否接受我们的选择会带来很大的差别(make+a+difference+)翻译英 ...
答:"I 我父母是否接受我们的选择会带来很大的差别(make a difference)" 可以翻译成 "Will my parents' acceptance of our choice make a big difference?"。"make a difference" 是一个常用的英语短语,意思是 "产生影响" 或者 "有所不同",在这个句子中表示父母的接受或不接受会对情况产生影响。


宰怪18791261949: make a big different to 的汉语意思
二道区叶利:: 对某事物产生巨大影响 发挥巨大作用

宰怪18791261949: It can make a big difference 什么意思 -
二道区叶利:: 表示将对什么事情有影响,已不仅仅是不同的意思,给你个例子吧 Education can make a big difference to the quality of a person's life. 教育对一个人的生活质量有很大影响.

宰怪18791261949: It makes a big difference if you are here是么意思?
二道区叶利:: It makes a big difference if you are here 如果你在这,那么会有很大差异(结果不一样)

宰怪18791261949: make a - - 有作用 -
二道区叶利:: make a big difference 有作用 如:Everyone should believe that I can make a big difference.每个人都应该坚信,世界因我而不同.