
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

急求一篇英语作文《How to communicate with parents》
答:first,parents give us lives,so we should thank them very much and don't do that things make them angry.second,we should often talk with them when we have different oppinions about a thing.third,we are too young,and our parents have more experience than us,so we should learn ...

这里involved 和involving 怎么区别啊?第二个空格是that 引导的同位语...
答:involved 在此表被动,或已经成为一个形容词”和...有关的”involve表 涉及 之意 而involving表主动 that是problem的同位语 __involved___ in the growth of private cars 作problem的后置定语

答:Many people are really enjoying helping others, some even devoted into doing charities, volanteers for charity works are in their thousands. A lot of them not just sharing what they have but also enjoy involving in doing the help. They surely are giving their hearts and their warm...

ACCA F7中,deferred tax asset 在合并时如何确认?
答:In cases where the carrying value of tax assets or liabilities has changed, the company may need to do a write down, and in certain cases involving in particular a fundamental error, a restatement of its financial results from previous years. Such write-downs may involve either significant ...

答:同事不是朋友,朋友是经过很多考验之后才能成为的 翻译是:. My colleagues are not friends, friends, is the result after a lot of tests in order to become a 同事或许只是你生活中的过客,当你离开同家公司时你们或许就会毫无联系,成为陌生人 翻译是:. Members may only be of passing your...

帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 帮忙翻译成中文

求高手指点engage和 involve的区别
答:engage in sth,involve直接加sth.Thosewhoengageinmentalworkarealsoworkers.从事脑力劳动的人也是劳动者。Myfamilyhasbeenengagedinfarmingforgenerations.我家几代都从事农业。Theyengageinthestudyofmusic.他们从事音乐研究。Ihavenotimetoengageinthedebate.我没时间参加辩论。Isitwisetoengageinactivesportsatyour...


答:对这件事,纽约世界台球联盟的评论似乎最贴切:这是一场迟早会发生的事故。当时15岁的Alexa Longueira正在斯塔顿岛的一条街上散步,忘我的边走边用她的手机发着短信。手机分散了她的注意力,所以她并没有注意到路上的打开的下水道窖井,一脚就陷了进去,洗了个毫无预备的污水澡,受了些伤。Longueira...

想请教你,involving more parties in the process of production做什么状...


五终15198874452: involve+oneself+in是什么意思 -
昌邑区纪固:: 【involve oneself in】意思是【让自己卷入……】. It is professional suicide to involve oneself in illegal practices. 从事非法活动即是专门的自毁行为. 【involve的用法】 1)involve的基本意思是如在网中一般“拿住”或“抓住”.可以表示整体性...

五终15198874452: 选哪个,请给出原因.A.involving,that B.involved,that C.invovled,where D.involving,whichThere is a new problem_______in the popularity of private cars - _____... - 作业帮
昌邑区纪固::[答案] B第一空要用involve的过去分词形式,做后置定语,意思为有关的,牵扯在内的.于是这句话就可以这样看There is a new problem (invoveled in the popularity of private cars )road conditions need to be improved.可以...

五终15198874452: 英语句子改错!急用
昌邑区纪固:: involving要改为 involved

五终15198874452: 单项选择 ( ) in the murder case , he was put into prison A Involved BInvolving Che was involved D -
昌邑区纪固:: A be involved in 表示被卷入到 在句首作状语 be省略 C不可以是因为两个单句间不能用逗号连接 D不可以是因为英语的习惯问题 不用把简单的问题复杂化

五终15198874452: 用 involved和involving 造句 名词性从句 各一句. -
昌邑区纪固:: 宾语从句:he is always involved in whatever accidents involve money. 他经常卷入有关钱的事件. any movies involving love are not what he likes watching有关爱情的电影他不爱看.