
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

in response to什么意
答:in response to英 [in riˈspɔns tu:] 美 [ɪn rɪˈspɑns tu] 词典对…做出反应网络回应; 响应; 反应 双语例句 The meeting was called in response to a request from Venezuela. 应委内瑞拉的要求召开了这次会议。

in response to是什么意思
答:in response to:响应;回答;对?有反应 1、例句:Tonight in response to the insistent demand of the people, his body was shown to them.释义:当晚,人们一再请求,终于得以瞻仰了甘地的遗容。2、例句:His reply sounded to her like a reproach.释义:他的回答在她听来像是责备。3、例句...

in response to 的英文释义
答:响应;回答;对…有反应 同近义词 in answer to

in respones to 的用法
答:in response to意思是:作为对,,,的反应.比如:The quick recovery was truly in response to medication(这迅速的康复确是对药物治疗的反应)

in respones to 的用法 范例
答:你好!in response to意思是:作为对,的反应.比如:The quick recovery was truly in response to medication(这迅速的康复确是对药物治疗的反应)

in response to怎么造句,最好是复合句
答:1.In response to the question “How satisfied are you with your life in general?在回答这个问题“一般情况下你对于生活有多么满足?”2.But with coevolution-change changing in response to itself-you can win withoutbeating others.但是在共同进化中——变化是响应自身而变化——不用打击他人...

in response 的用法
答:你好!!in response to意思是:作为对,,,的反应.比如:The quick recovery was truly in response to medication(这迅速的康复确是对药物治疗的反应)

Further to 同In response to 的用法有什么区别
答:区别是:furthur to指的是更进一步的说明,提出一个新的论点。意思是再加,又及。in response to指的是为回复某人或某观点而进行阐述,不需要再提一个。还可以表达对...作出回应。例句:furthur to 1、There was nothing further to be done for this man.对于这个男人再没什么能做的了。2、Furthe...

in response to的 问题
答:不合适,in response to……是“作为对……的回答”这个意思哦 have advantages over a court hearing可以改写成 are superior to a court hearing be superior to好于,胜过 希望对你有用啦呵呵

答:动词+~call forth no response 不起反应 elicit〔evoke〕 a response 引起反响 give〔make〕 a response 给予答复 receive〔win〕 response 得到响应 形容词+~active response 积极响应 instinctive response 本能反应 in response to 对…作出反应give an action done to sb/sth She laughed in ...


李纪19220908620: 解释下 In reply to 的中文意思 -
柳河县谭荔:: in reply (to something) 是回复信件中的一种比较正式的用法. 还可以说成:in answer to/in response to 翻译时可不必译出. 关于您最近信函中提到的提供给你10件No.1080的免费样办,我们很遗憾的告诉你我们无法提供.

李纪19220908620: in response to renewed pleadings,Bruce stopped.新概念3上的一句话.我纠结于这里的in response to 是说BRUCE对我们重复恳求的反应是停车么.那为什么... - 作业帮
柳河县谭荔::[答案] 应我们反复的恳求,Bruce终于停下了车. 这个in response to就是应……,是“对……的反应”跟好的译法 这个要等到学了分词之后,就会知道在用分词修饰名词的时候,v.+ed表示被动,例如这个句子里面,pleading(恳求)一定是被重复的,所以...

李纪19220908620: in response to的 原文是both arbitration and tribunals have advantages over a court hearing.特别法庭和仲裁相对于法庭来说有很多优点.改写成 both arbitration ... - 作业帮
柳河县谭荔::[答案] 不合适,in response to……是“作为对……的回答”这个意思哦 have advantages over a court hearing可以改写成 are superior to a court hearing be superior to好于,胜过 希望对你有用啦呵呵