
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02


答:Impatiently, he drummed his fingers on the table.5、“别管我。”她不耐烦地说。'Leave me alone,' she said testily.

I am growing impatient / impatiently 为什么是选 impatient?

英语句子改错。 1. The voice sounded impatiently. 2. John freezed...
答:为你解答-英语句子改错。1.The voice sounded (impatient,不耐烦的,形容词).这个人的声音听起来很不耐烦。解释:sound是系动词,后面要用形容词作表语。2.John (froze,不动了) because of the strange sound.因为那个奇怪的声音,约翰一动不动了。解释:freeze的过去式是不规则的,并不是加ed...

答:quiet-noisy patiently-impatiently empty-full useful-useless had-hadn't

答:listen aimlessly 无目的地听 listen apprehensively 不安地听 listen attentively 倾听 listen carefully 注意听 listen closely 仔细倾听 listen compassionately 同情地听 listen distractedly 心不在焉地听 listen dreamily 心不在焉地听 listen impassively 无动于衷地听 listen impatiently ...

答:the line of her jaw with his finger.3、她用手指杵他的肋部把他叫醒。She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up.4、她用手指捅了捅他的腰。She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger.5、他不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲击桌子。Impatiently, he drummed his fingers on the table.

答:impatiently:"Grandma,know,you go faster!" Upon hearing my grandmother would go out to buy food.I saw my grandmother from the balcony out of the compound,they joyfully to think:in the mountains tiger,monkey king,now I want to do you can do it!So I started out like most of ...

答:Listen是听的意思,读法是[/ˈlɪsn/],音译是哩森。一、发音英:[/ˈlɪsn/];美:[/ˈlɪsn/]二、中文翻译vi.(注意地)听;听从;听信;(让对方注意)听着 n.听 三、形式第三人称单数:listens 现在分词:listening 过去式:listened 过去分词:listened...

答:2. impatient (adj.) 不耐烦的 --- impatiently (adj.) 不耐烦地 --- impatience (n.) 不耐烦 patient (adj.) 有耐心的 --- patiently (adv.) 有耐心地 --- patience (n.) 耐心 3. obey (v.) 服从 --- disobey (v.) 不服从 4. faint (v.) 昏倒 --- faint (adj...


益响13113298312: 请帮我想个i开头的表示激动的单词 、和n开头表示开心的单词 谢谢 -
红旗区陆琳:: immitigable impassion impatience impatience impatiently impetuosity incentive incitation inciting inspire naively nice nifty 那么多单词 用的时候注意它们的词性的褒贬,和语气程度

益响13113298312: 无奈的等待英文单词
红旗区陆琳:: Helplessly waiting

益响13113298312: a little/ a little bit/a few/a lot of 的区别 -
红旗区陆琳:: a little/ a little bit 修饰可数名词 a few 修饰不可数名词 a lot of 可修饰可数也可修饰不可数

益响13113298312: a little,little,a few,few不同的用法? -
红旗区陆琳:: 原创的哦!100%正确!通俗易懂! little\a little+不可数名词few\a few+可数名词 a little和a few表肯定(有一些,并不是非常地少,比如剩下半瓶水用a little)little和few表否定(很少很少,几乎没有了.比如剩下一滴水用little) :-) 祝你成功!

益响13113298312: I had been ngjry and waited - --(patient) at the airport for about 4 hours before I was on a plane that could fly .中横线为什么填patiently
红旗区陆琳:: patiently 是[副词], 副词其中一个作用是形容动作, 这句子中waited 便是动作. waited patiently = 耐心地等候