
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

答:及时雨 timely rain(直译)timely help(引申意)a friend in need(更抽象的意义)

答:美国说 Just in time. or Just the right time.及时雨的英文 Help come in the right time.

I am grateful to him for histimely help. The unde

答:你好,“玛丽非常感激你对她及时的帮助”翻译成英语是:Marie is very much obliged to you for your timely help.---如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。

had it not been for your timely help,our company would have been o...
答:您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:had it not been for your timely help,our company would have been on the verge of bankruptcy 翻译:若非你及时伸出援助之手,本公司将会濒临破产的边缘。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

英语作文 感谢帮助
答:Hello,Lucy ! I am writing to show my thanks to you for your timely help. That day but for your help my grandpa would have more trouble because he fell so hard. It is you who called 120 for help and at the same time you informed us immediately. So my grandpa got the ...

Hadn't the party offered its timely help前一句是作状语吗?条件状语...
答:是条件状语,这是虚拟语气,如果军队没有及时提供帮助,考察的是过去虚拟。。这是条件 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻,希望有助~

英语Hopefully your kind and timely help would be offered to me 是...

Mr. Thompson, without ___timely help finishing the task would ha...
答:本定语从句的先行词是Mr. Thompson,关系代词在句中放在help的前面做定语。在定语从句的关系词中,只有whose可以放在名词前面做定语。句意:要是没有了Mr Thompson的及时帮助,完成那个任务是不可能的,而Mr Thompson上个星期病了。故D正确。点评:定语从句的考查关键在于分析句子结构,如果句中缺主语,...

Large quantities of water ,...
答:【答案】C 【答案解析】试题分析:句意为:自从严重的旱灾在云南省发生以来,大量的水,还有其它包括医疗队在内的急需的帮助已经提供(给了当地)。由后面的since可知,自从发生以来,各种帮助已经提供了,故为现在完成时。水与其它的帮助应为被提供,表被动,所以答案应为C 考点:考查时态语态的用法。


李京18089011658: 谢谢英语有多少种说法 -
且末县拔妻:: It's very kind of you. How nice of you. Thanks a lot. Thanks very much. 在日常对话中,一提起“感谢”或“感激”,我们通常会想到最常用的英语单词“thank”.学过英语的人都会说类似的感谢语,如Thanks,Thanks a lot,Thank you very much,...

李京18089011658: 及时雨英语怎么拼
且末县拔妻:: 及时雨: timely rain / timely help/ a friend in need

李京18089011658: Thanks to Maggie's timely help,___we couldn't have finished the work on time.定语从句! - 作业帮
且末县拔妻::[答案] Otherwise 否则 adv副词 多亏了麦琪的及时的帮助,否则我们不可能按时完成工作

李京18089011658: 用英语翻译可以及时方便的得到帮助 - 作业帮
且末县拔妻::[答案] 可以及时方便的得到帮助 Can timely and conveniently get help

李京18089011658: 多亏了你的帮助,我们及时解决了这个问题.翻译成英语是什么 - 作业帮
且末县拔妻::[答案] Thanks to your help,we managed to solve the problem timely.