
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-02

help sb do sth造句造10个?
答:1、Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking.有时候我帮我母亲做饭。2、He helped me find my watch.他帮我找到了手表。3、Doing more readings helps me to broaden my horizons.多阅读帮我开阔视野。4、What he did has helped us in learning English.他所做的已经在英语学习上帮到了我。

help sb do sth一般现在时怎样造句
答:5.He usually helps his mother do the housework.

help sb do help sb to do help sb with sth造句
答:i help my mother to do the housework 我帮助我的妈妈做家务 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

help sb. dosth.是什么意思?
答:19、Do you have an odd minute to help me with this?你有空儿帮我做这件事吗?20、Yes, it is. Can I help you?是的,你要找谁?21、The bird continued flying and saw a lame duck help a little duck find the way back home.小鸟继续飞,看到一只跛鸭在帮助一只小鸭子找回家的路...

help sb. do还是help sb. do
答:Can you help me to do the homework? (你能帮我做作业吗?)I helped her do the shopping. (我帮助她购物。)2. 语法区别:"help sb to do" 是及物动词短语,后面接不定式作宾语补语。"help sb do" 是及物动词短语,后面接动词原形作宾语。例句:They helped him to finish the project. ...

help sb do是什么结构?
答:help sb do是复合宾语。解析如下:help sb do sth本来是 ask do sth. tell sb. to do sth这样的结构,但是由于help/make/let/have/see 这类的动词,比较特殊,有些是祈使,有些是感官,所以把后面不定式里面的to需要去掉,所以,才有这样的结构。help是动词,sb作动词的宾语,do就是作...

help sb. (to) do/help sb.with 分别造句 配中英文
答:He helped me to make dinner yesterday.他昨天帮我准备晚餐。He often helps me with my English.他经常在英语方面帮助我。

用help sb do sth 造五个句子
答:I will help my mother cook supper.She always helps her deskmate learn English.Can you help me make a kite?Let's help the old man cross the street.He helped his father carry the heavy box.

怎么用help sb do sth?
答:“help sb. do sth”是“help sb. to do sth”的简略形式,它们可互相使用。例句如下:1、Sometimes I help my mother(to)do the cooking.有时候我帮我母亲做饭。2、He helped me(to)find my watch.他帮我找到了手表。在help sb. with sth.中with是介词,其后接名词或代词。例句如下:1、...

help sb do sth造句造10个.
答:Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.每天做面部运动帮助她保持皮肤弹性。She always listened earnestly as if this might help her to understand.她总是很认真地听,就好像这能帮助她弄明白一样。She leaned on him to help her to solve her problems.她靠他帮忙...


西郭13299787915: 用help sb.(to) do help sb. with sth. help do put …to use 造句 -
平和县章华:: Mr.Green helps me to solve the problem 格林先生帮我解决这个难题 Mr.Green helps me with this problem.格林先生帮我解决问题 The water is put to use making electricity. 水是用来发电的 The water can help to make electricity.水能帮忙发电

西郭13299787915: 用help sb to sth造句
平和县章华:: help me (to) do the housework帮我做家务

西郭13299787915: help sd(to)do sth 造句 -
平和县章华:: I help my mother to clean the house yesterday.我昨天帮妈妈清洁屋子.Mary often helps me to do my maths homework.玛莉常常帮助我做数学功课

西郭13299787915: “help sb with sth”怎么造句? -
平和县章华:: help sb with sth造句 1. Tom helps Lucy with her English learning. 2. I help mom with her housework. 3. The teacher help his students with their homework. 4. I will help you with cooking. 5. This will help you with your skin problem. 6. I will help you in ...