
来源:kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

答:engage in和be engaged in都表示从事、参与的意思,只不过二者的语态形式不同。1、engage in表示主动语态。如I have engaged in the team.我已经加入了这个小组。2、be engaged in表示被动语态。如David has been engaged in the project.大卫已经被这个项目邀请参与。

答:单词发音:英 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ],美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]。短语搭配:ENGAGE POINT. 进刀点。Initial Engage. 初始进刀。ENGAGE ANGLES. 进刀角度。双语例句:1、The teeth in one wheel engage with those of another.一个齿轮的齿与另一齿轮的齿相...

暗夜族有一句our ???has engaged with enimy,完整的是怎么样的?_百度...
答:our warriors has engaged in the enimy

engage enter的区别
答:用法2:engage主要用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。作“雇,聘”解时可以接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。作“保证”解时可接for+名词或that从句,也可接oneself+to- v 构成的复合结构。用法3:engage接介词in可表示“参加”; 接介词with可表示“交战”; 表示“订婚”则接介词to。用法4:I'm ...

engage和be engaged的区别
答:1、读法不一样 engage in读:英[ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ in]、美[ɪn'gedʒ ɪn]。be engaged in读:英[bi: enˈgeɪdʒd in]、美[bi ɛnˈɡedʒd ɪn]。2、engage in表示主动语态,be engaged in表示被动语态。

engage the world是什么意思?
答:[I, Tn] (fml 文) begin fighting with (sb) 与(某人)交战: Our orders are to engage (the enemy) immediately. 我们的命令是立即(与敌军)开战. * The two armies were fiercely engaged for several hours. 两军激战达数小时.(a) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) (of parts of a machine...

答:engage 1、I couldn't get through ─ the line's engaged.我打不通电话——线路忙。2、A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas.未来的政治制度必须同新思想结合。3、They're engaged, but they haven't yet named the day.他们订婚了,但还未确定结婚日期。4、He's really...

答:Toyota Motor,for example,alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign,which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.词...

商务英语中,sustainability 是什么意思?
答:Our expectation of its Business Associates in the context of sustainability is that they use their influence to engage with their own suppliers to achieve the objectives outlined in these initiatives.释义:我们对业务伙伴在可持续性方面的期望是,他们会利用自己的影响力与自己的供应商互动,以...

求高手指点engage和 involve的区别
答:engage in sth,involve直接加sth.Thosewhoengageinmentalworkarealsoworkers.从事脑力劳动的人也是劳动者。Myfamilyhasbeenengagedinfarmingforgenerations.我家几代都从事农业。Theyengageinthestudyofmusic.他们从事音乐研究。Ihavenotimetoengageinthedebate.我没时间参加辩论。Isitwisetoengageinactivesportsatyour...


公全17875592878: 关于engage的短语 - 作业帮
大余县幸态::[答案] engage主要用法和短语如下: vt&vi (使)从事/忙于... engage (oneself) in (doing) sth = be engaged in (doing) sth 从事...;忙于... 如:He wants to engage (himeself) in foreign trade. = He wants to be engaged in foreign trade. 他想要从事外贸工作. ...

公全17875592878: engage的用法? - 作业帮
大余县幸态::[答案] be engaged in doing sth. engage to sb.

公全17875592878: engage sb in dialogue 是不是属于很正式的用词? -
大余县幸态:: engage sb in dialogue 汉译: 使某人参加对话.这是一种正确的、正式的英语表达用语,适用于家长和儿女之间的交谈/讨论 例:The best way for parents to bridge the generation gapis to make an effort to engage their children in dialogue. 弥合代沟的最好办法是让家长作出努力与孩子们对话交谈.类似用语还有:Be [engage] in a controversy with [against] sb. on [about] sth 和某人就某事进行论战

公全17875592878: engage的名词是什么 -
大余县幸态:: engagement n. 保证, 诺言 订婚, 婚约 约会, 约定, 预约 雇用, 雇用期, 预定 交战, 战斗 [pl. ](金钱)债务 【机】接合, 咬合