
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

答:意思是:反直觉的;与正常预期相反的,词性:adj.。counter-intuitive音标:英 [ˌkaʊntər ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv],美 [ˌkaʊntər ɪnˈtuːɪtɪv]。派生词: counter-intuitively adv.双语例句:This i...


答:appear +形容词,代表”似乎、好像“的意思,counter intuitive形容词性的 1.表示“出现”“露面”“到达”等,是不及物动词,因此既不能后接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。如:雨后天空出现彩虹。正:A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.误:A rainbow was appeared in the sky after the...

答:1.心理学强调创新和非直观思维(counter-intuitive),而法律重视确定的模式(这就是说,法庭必须遵守以前的法律和可以适当适用的先例)与保守立场,排斥创新。2.心理学使用经验主义的认识论,而法律则贯彻以等级制度为基础的专制主义的认识论。3.心理学采用实验的方法,而法律则使用对抗性过程(adversarial ...

答:counter-intuitive properties of quantum mechanics  量子力学的反直觉特性 by exploiting sth 借助于……quantum mechanics   量子力学 conceivable   adj. 可想象的;可信的that you can imagine or believe have an/the advantage over     比(某人)强;...

答:This word seems counter-intuitive in reasons not to give up your dreams, but failure is more beneficial than you might think. Most people don’t pursue their dreams for fear of failure. Little do they know, this is one of the biggest ways we learn and grow!Many famous and...

答:This word seems counter-intuitive in reasons not to give up your dreams, but failure is more beneficial than you might think. Most people don't pursue their dreams for fear of failure. Little do they know, this is one of the biggest ways we learn and grow!Many famous and ...

答:Are there some local bars or cafes I can check out?噢,我猜那里的风景一定很美。那儿有没有什么当地的酒吧或咖啡馆可以去呀?5、Yeah, but that seems weirdly counter-intuitive. You know, with cafes being noisy and all.确实,但总感觉怪怪的,不太符合常理。毕竟咖啡馆那么吵。

英语seem to有看起来好像的意思吗?
答:“seem to”有“看起来……好像”的意思。seem to 似乎,好象;看起来 近义词:似乎,好象;看起来 look , appear to 双语例句:You certainly seem to be in deep water.你的确看起来像是陷入了困境中。My glasses seem to have vanished.我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了。The tickets seem to have got...

Carpe diem 活在当下
答:Finally- and though it might seem counter-intuitive- carpe diem has been hijacked by the mindfulness movement. While mindfulness has many proven benefits, from reducing stress to helping with depression, one of its unintended consequences has been to encourage the narrow idea that ...


寇乳15063576840: Anti - 和counter - 的区别 -
宿松县水梅:: anti一般表示“反对”“阻止”“抵抗”之类的意思,而counter更侧重于带有“相对,对立面”“做出完全相反的动作”这种意思. 恐怖分子 和 反恐部队,他们是两个对立面这种关系.有个挺好的例子, anti-attack,阻击,抵御敌人的进攻.而counter-attack就要表示反击了

寇乳15063576840: counter - offer是什么意思 -
宿松县水梅:: counter-offer的意思:还价.counter-offer的读音:['kaʊntər'ɒfər]. counter-offer英 ['kaʊntər'ɒfər] 美 ['kaʊntər'ɒfər] n.还价,还盘. counter-offer的用法示例如下: (1)We are sorry to tell you that we can not accept your counter-offer. ...

寇乳15063576840: c++类的静态成员变量,构造函数,析构函数 -
宿松县水梅:: 你加上下面的函数代码就是3了 class A { public: A( int id_ ) { id = id_; counter++; } //************************************ A(const A& other) { id_ = other.id_; ++counter; } //***************************************** ~A() { counter--; } static int counter; ...