
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-26

答:consequently翻译:因此;所以。双语例句:1、Relations between the two companies had, consequently, never been close. 因此,两家公司之间的关系一直都不太亲密。2、Consequently, we should have no problem reaching our goals this year. 因此,我们达成今年的目标应该没有问题。3、This poses a thr...

答:consequently 英[ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli]美[ˈkɑ:nsəkwentli]adv. 所以,因此; 因此,因而; 终于,这样; 合乎逻辑的结果; 所以; 于是 例句:They often dont want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften ...

consequently 翻译
答:consequently 翻译:因此; 所以;consequent,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意思是“随之发生的,作为结果的;(河流、山谷)顺向的;合乎逻辑的”,作名词时意思是“(逻辑)后件,推断;(音乐)答句;分母”。This would be good news all round were it not for the consequent crash in ban...

答:consequently 读音:英 [ˈkɒnsɪkwəntli] 美 [ˈkɑːnsɪkwentli] 。释义:因此。英英释义:(sentence connectors) because of the reason given。翻译:(句子连接词)由于给出的原因。consequently一般不强调因果间的必然联系,而只是根据逻辑推理得出的...

答:consequently:这是一个超纲词汇,副词,表示因此,所以。它的形容词是consequent(六级词汇),表示作为结果(后果)的。如:The company went bankrupt and consequently she lost her job.——公司破产,因此她失业了。coincidence:这是一个六级词汇,名词,表示巧合,巧事,引申含义为意见、爱好等的一致...

答:cannot digest .所以虽然读了,但是消化不了。 can consequently not form part of other program sequences.蠕虫因此并不和其他程序在同一个序列。360.qihoo.comConsequently, the upper floors caved in, collapsing the floors below.结果,上层的楼面下陷,毁坏了下层的楼面。

accoridingly与consequently区别 直接翻词典貌似是翻不出来的~~_百度...
答:这两个词的意思其实不一样,先看词典解释。accordingly [ə'kɔ:diŋli] adv.1. [通常用于句末]照着(做,办等);相应地;符合地,一致地2. [通常用于句首或句中]因此,因而,所以;从而;于是consequently 报错 adv. 因此;结果;所以accordingly根据某种原因而得出的结论,不...

sllyme什么意思 中文翻译?


hence consequently therefore 三个英文都是翻译为 “因此、所以...
答:语气重-轻:consequently-therefore-hence hence可以作为语气较轻的连接结果的连词使用,前后因果关系较轻。consequently更注重时间,动作的前后。therefore更注重于对结果的引出。consequently最为正式。但并不意味着经常要用它。


鄢选17892758251: 请帮我翻译一句话,谢谢Consequently,onlytheb
隆昌县丰胥:: Consequently, only the buyer is authorized to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute and operate said creations in any form and medium whatsoever. 因此,只有买方有权以任何方式和方法使用、复制、改变、修改、发布、运用前述创作品.

鄢选17892758251: 英语翻译Consequently today there are few villagers left who are of local descent.That has not prevented this interesting historic “cultural urban island” from ... - 作业帮
隆昌县丰胥::[答案] 因此今天这里几乎没有土生土长的村民了. 这并不能妨碍这个有趣的历史“文化城市岛” 作为北山国际爵士音乐节,北山世界音乐节的举办地成为一个具有国际吸引力,极为令人向往的地方.

鄢选17892758251: 这两句话怎么翻译?1.Johnwasinanaccident.c
隆昌县丰胥:: 第1句:约翰出过车祸,所以他去接受驾驶员培训了(为了提高车技). 第2句:约翰在接受驾驶员培训后出了车祸.

鄢选17892758251: 英语改错 并翻译 -
隆昌县丰胥:: 让我来改吧1. 改为I 'll come to see you if it is covenient for you. 用covenient只能物做主语.如果你方便的话,我会来看你的2.改为He is such a man who doesn't like to be distinguished by his success.固定搭配 be distinguished by 通过(由于)......

鄢选17892758251: 英语翻译Consequently,viewing children as necessary members of society means that they are regarded more as people in their own right than as subordination - 作业帮
隆昌县丰胥::[答案] 因此,把小孩子们看成社会的必要成员意味着要把他们当成是自己权利的人而不仅仅是听话的下一代.