
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-04

they learn english at school ___ by themselves。
答:They learn English at school ___ by themselves。A、for B、or C、and D、but 选项是B 句意是:“他们在学校或者自学英语”。如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

答:They couldn'd get out of the trouble by themselves.这句话可译为:他们紧靠自己不能摆脱这个麻烦。其中:(1)get out of的中文意思有:摆脱,不做,避免; 从...当中出来,不再做; 从……出来,摆脱; 从……出去; 从……当中出来; 从中得到; 动身去北京; 该掉; 获得; 离开脱离;...

答:says to himself 自言自语 by herself 靠她自己 for yourself 给你自己 teaches herself 自学 enjoyed themselves 过得愉快 请采纳,祝好!【来自英语牛人团】

they need time to do things by themselves

their 和themselves区别?
答:their翻译成,他们 themself翻译成,他们自己

答:回答:86 learned / learnt(要用一般过去时) , by themselves 87 have taken place 88 对 89 The more careful we are , the fewer mistakes we will make .

They found it difficult to finish the work by
答:现分解 it is difficult to finish the work by themselves.这个句型应该熟悉吧 本来应该是Finishing the work by themselves is difficult.但主语太长,有点头重脚轻的感觉,所以出现了这种句型:it is adj to do sth. 这是不定式的一种非常常用的句型 They found it difficult to finish the ...

college students should study by themselves还是depend on their t...
答:should college students study by themselves or depend on their teachers?this question has brought hot debate.a lot of people think that college students should depend on their teacher to study.they think college students are also students,students should be taught the knowledge from ...

...needs some times to do things by themselves 对吗
答:不正确 改为: They need some time to do things by themselves. 他们需要时间自己来做事情。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

答:我们是自己命运的主宰者。We are masters of our own destiny 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》——这个值得你参考。另外,也可以说:Everyone's life is dominated by themselves.


谯伟17039331033: by himself的语法点 -
微山县樊蝶:: by+反身代词,意思是“某人自己”. by yourself 你自己,你们自己 by herself 她自己 by himself 他自己 by ourselves 我们自己 by themselves 他们自己,她们自己,它们自己

谯伟17039331033: They usually learn english at school for by themselves对吗 - 作业帮
微山县樊蝶::[答案] 去掉for,English They usually learn English at school (by) themselves. by themselves是个短语,表示自己做;在句子中一般也可以省略.两者都正确. 句子意思是:他们经常在学校自学英语.

谯伟17039331033: themselves,ourselves的用法用量 -
微山县樊蝶:: themselves: pron. 他们自己;她们自己;它们自己;(用以强调they或复数主语)他们(或她们、它们)亲自,他们(或她们、它们)本身; 用法: 指性别不详的人时,用以代替himself或herself. ourselves: pron. (we的反身形式)我们自己; ...

谯伟17039331033: study by themselves是什么意思? - 作业帮
微山县樊蝶::[答案] 靠他们自己去学习