
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答:6 After a while, you get used to the state of being disconnected. Even more so, you fully begin to accept it, as the advantages of being offline present themselves right in front of your eyes. Surely, the need to reconnect will come up every now and then, especially when ...

答:描述;形容;If you present someone or something in a particular way, you describe them in that way. [V n as n] [V n in n]The government has presented these changes as major reforms...政府将这些变化描述为重大的改革。The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers......

some of the best opportunity present
答:D 【解析】 themselves 为反身代词指代 opportunities 作动词 present 的宾语。句意:变化可能会令人恐惧 但是就是在变化过程中 一些最好的机遇也会自己呈现出来 ( 变化可能会有风险,然而最好的机遇都在你寻求改变时出现的 ) 。故选 D 。

单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)小题1: All applicants will be...
答:小题1:nationality小题2:breakthrough小题3:convenient小题4:mistaken小题5:relief小题6:slipped小题7:differs小题8:passive小题9:betray小题10:applauded 试题分析:小题1:考查名词。所有的申请人将被考虑不管年龄、性别、宗教信仰和国籍,故用nationality.小题2:考查名词。由于科学家的努力在癌症...

___ present,they are living in china and they e

English question急急急
答:当跟of连用时,其后需用复形可数名词或复数人称代词。所以AB被排除。刚翻的语法书。同时可以参看《each的用法》《反身代词的用法》在语法书上有一例句:he gave each boy a present.反身代词只可...

答:世界上没有一个国家有更多的报纸超过美国。有近2000年的他们,比起180在日本, 164在阿根廷和111在英国。质量美国一些文件是非常高的,并将他们的意见引述遍布世界各地。尊敬的报纸,如华盛顿邮报还是纽约时报有一个强大的影响力遍及全国。不过,邮政和时代是没有全国性的报纸,在意义上说,时代是在英国...

答:复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves2. 用法:①作动词或介词的宾语。如:The child can dress himself. 这小孩会自己穿衣服。②作同位语,意为“亲自”“本人”。如:I myself did the work. 我亲自做的这件事。Unit 22 The sports meeting单元小结 形容词、副词的比较等级1. 形容词、副词比较等级的构成...

答:ADJ You use provisional todescribe something that has been arranged or appointed for the present, but maybe changed in the future. 临时的; 暂时...You can also refer to the peoplethemselves as the vanguard. 先锋例:Students and intellectualshave been in the vanguard of revolutionary change in...

When all those present___he began his lecture. A.sit B.set C.sea...
答:这题选D,were seated。因为When all those present were seated是时间状语从句。我们知道,从句虽然地位不如主句,但它也是要有主语和谓语的,were seated就是它的谓语。C项seated是个非谓语动词,不能单独作谓语,必须加上助动词be或系动词remain之后才可以作谓语。A项的sit虽然也可以作谓语,但它的...


殷彬18887256148: 一般现在时的用法 过去式的用法 将来式的用法 现在进行时的用法 -
襄阳区洪卓:: 一般现在时的用法表示经常发生的事情,或通常的状态例如 I love my mother.过去式的用法表示过去发生的事情,或过去的状态例如 I had a dog three yea...

殷彬18887256148: present的用法
襄阳区洪卓:: 名词:礼物;现在;目前 birthday presents at present 动词:赠予;呈送;递交 They presented the flowers to the teacher. 形容词:出现的;出席的 How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?很高兴为你解答!老师祝学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

殷彬18887256148: present有几种意思?
襄阳区洪卓:: present有三种意思:1、现存的,当前的.2、礼物,礼品.3、颁发,授予.读音:英 [ˈpreznt , prɪˈzent],美 [ˈpreznt , prɪˈzent].组词:1、present address 目前地址.2、present simple一般现在时.例句:He has brought much of the...

殷彬18887256148: present的用法详细解释
襄阳区洪卓:: 现在的,目前的,正在处理中的; 而作为形容词讲,修饰名词时,应位于名词后

殷彬18887256148: present作为出席的这个意思的用法 - 作业帮
襄阳区洪卓::[答案] present noun (SOMETHING GIVEN) 给予之物a birthday/Christmas/wedding present生日/圣诞/结婚礼物They gave me theatre tickets as a present.他们送给我戏票作为礼物.present noun (NOW) 现在› the peri...