
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-09

答 married to 和…结婚 sentenced to被判处 connected to 和…连在一起 exposed to 暴露于;遭受 compared to 被比喻成… to…把…比作… engaged to 与…订婚 / become / get accustomed to // accustomed to 惯于;有…习惯 engaged ...

答:be sentenced to sth.(a total of 21 years in proson) 后面可以看作是名词性宾语。

答:All the classmates are expected to participate in thediscussion/syposium.5)Once you commit a crime ,you have to bear/take over the punishment.Once commit a crime you will be sentenced to be sentenced to be punished.是专用术语....

...罪,被判处死刑。(to be guilty of,to be sentenced to)
答:He was proved to be guilty of murder and was sentenced to death.

...the bank robbery,the man will be sentenced to life in prison.这...
答:原句应该是if the man was found ,按照主句的主语与从句谓语动词的关系,要用被动,省略了主语和be动词,变成了if found 被动,当然是因为被发现有罪,不会那个人自己去主动发现自己有罪吧。。。

含有介词to的短语后加to doing的短语
答:9,devote oneself to doing sth献身于做某事;专心于做某事=be devoted to doing 10,be admitted to 被…录取;准进入 11,be reduced to 沦为=reduce…to…使…沦为 12,be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 13,be known to 为…所知 14,be /get married to 和…结婚 15,be sentenced to...

答:12. be sentenced to 被判… 13. be equal to 与…相等;胜任 14. be proud of 为…感到自豪 15. give out 分发 (give off 散发出(气味)) 16. die for 为…而死 die of 死于(自身原因,如疾病) die from 死于(外在原因,如车祸) 17. realize one’s dream of … 实现..的梦想 18. only 位于...

...whether the ex-president will be sentenced to death对吗?_百度知...

中译英2篇 十万火急写写帮忙
答:The daughters have already got a few good names, such as Frank and Muss, but Michelle does not plan to use those. She said, "I do not agree with them, so why not think it over some more.?这个是第一篇 伊拉克砸鞋记者被判三年监禁 Iraqi shoe hurling reporter sentenced to ...

答:3.常见的动词+介词to后跟doing 做宾语 be used to doing习惯于,add to doing加上,devote to doing献身于,lead to doing导致于,get to doing开始,come to doing谈到,look forward to doing期待,stick to doing坚持 be sentenced to doing宣判,object to doing抗议,4.常见的动词+形容词+介词of后跟...


冯娇17845086361: 求关于be...to的词组.如:be devoted to、be sentenced to、(to作介词) - 作业帮
兴化市胥廖::[答案] be/get/become used to 习惯于 be related to 与…有关系 be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾 be opposed to 反对 be devoted to 致力于;忠诚于 be admitted to 被…录取;准进入 be attached to附属于;喜欢;依恋 b...

冯娇17845086361: be convinced of / be sentenced to 1.都是 被判...刑的意思吧2.第二个 be sentenced to 只能用在被判死刑的时候使用吗3.如果上述两点无误的话,请分别帮忙造... - 作业帮
兴化市胥廖::[答案] 不是的啊 convicted of意为宣布有罪 you be convicted of criminal guilt by association . 你不能被证明为联合犯罪 2be sentenced to 被判处.刑,后面跟的是在审判后法院所定之罪Today, I think this was the way God showed me that innocent people ...

冯娇17845086361: 英语翻译被判刑接受被判刑**be sentenced+介词+(年)?的介词 - 作业帮
兴化市胥廖::[答案] Was sentenced accept 被判刑**年 用英文说就是:Was sentenced to xx years in jail.

冯娇17845086361: 1 这个人被判处了死刑(be sentenced to) -
兴化市胥廖:: 1 这个人被判处了死刑(be sentenced to) This person was sentenced to death. 2 他们队输了之后失去了信心(lose heart) They lost heart after losing the game. 3 如果你在陌生的城市迷路的话,你可以向警察求助(turn to) If you get lost in a ...