
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

...donot think it advisible that Tom be assigned to the job since...
答:advisible 后面要用虚拟语气 原句应该是...Tom should be assigned to the job...但是should 可以省略,也就是√。至于其中涉及的语法,主要就是虚拟语气的一些标志词 动词的话你知道的,如suggest advise insist等等不赘述了 说一下形容词,一种是上述动词的形容词,有“可取的,适合的”意思,如...

Certainly,no homework should be assigned that stu
答:1、整句话的意思是,当然,家庭作业不应该布置给那些不能独立完成或者不能在不借助昂贵的学习仪器完成的学生。2、该句是被动句,家庭作业是被布置的,潜意思是老师布置的,而布置对象就是学生。3、所以,两个that都是对学生的解释、限定,可以认为是定语从句 ...

I don't think it advisable that Tom be assigned to the job since...
答:这是一个宾语从句哈,I don't think( it )advisable 真正的宾语是(that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience.)原来的语序应该是,I don't think (that Tom be assigned to the job since he has no experience )advisable .但是由于宾语是个长句,显得累赘,所以用一...

the final local variable m cannot be assigned
答:这个变量被定义为final类型的,不可以再使用中再次赋值 题主加强编程基础知识学习吧。加油 祝好运,望采纳。

答:at first we will have a group discussion to fix the topic and content of our group project, then the tasks will be assigned according to each person's specialty to promote efficiency, as everyone has his strong points--some are good at writing, some are good at drawing, while...

Certainly,no homework should be assigned that stu
答:被动语态, 宾语是homework.that 引导的从句是修饰homework, 所以是定语从句。全句的意思是:不能给学生安排自己完成不了的或者要用昂贵的仪器去完成的作业。

答:1、The medicine is on sale everywhere.You can get it at any chemist’s.在哪兜可以买到药,你可以在任何药剂师哪得到 2、You cannot be too careful when you drive a car.在你开车的时候,你没办法非常的专心 3、In general,the amount that a student spends for housing should be held...

答:set.seed设置随机数生成的种子 相同的种子,rxx出来的都相同

delphi中Left side cannot be assigned to
答:楼上说的确实有一定道理:这是否真的是书上的内容?如果是的话,书上的内容可能有错。因为在Delphi中常数是不可以直接赋值的。但是你也可以利用指针、强制给常数赋值。当然这只针对声明类型的常数。例如:procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);const StartPosition: Integer = 0; End...

...proactively and therefore may be assigned a management reserve...
答:【答案】:C ( ) 风险不能主动管理,因此可以分配管理准备金。A.已知B.自然C.未知D.人为


戚心17839985666: 英语语法句子中,为什么有的用be的原型,有的却不是??求答案!!! -
乌恰县俟耿:: 1. C 受到advisable影响 为虚拟语气 应为should be assigned 但should给省略了.advise也是这个情况.2. B 情况同上3. 这里的suggest不跟上面同义,上面是 建议 这里是暗示表明的意思.用到建议提议的意思时候,就要用1-2的情况.

戚心17839985666: 不是说It+be+adj(意思为重要或必要)然后后面用虚拟语气,但是书上怎么还有desirable better strange surprising 这些词的意思不是重要或必要啊.解释一下... - 作业帮
乌恰县俟耿::[选项] A. is assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. has been assigned

戚心17839985666: 英语选择题,做错了..求解.. -
乌恰县俟耿:: 答案是C,省略should:that Tom (should) be assigned...希望对你有帮助

戚心17839985666: 非谓语练习的疑问 -
乌恰县俟耿:: 本题是一个祈使句words.本题选A,这里的动词不定式,语法上称其为“形容词补语”.第四题并没有错,or phrases的后置定语,or phrases是use的宾语, important, strange;feel+ it +形容词+that +从句主语 +should(可以省略)+动词原形+其它...

戚心17839985666: be associated with 是什么意思的 -
乌恰县俟耿:: be associated with 和…联系在一起; 与…有关; 例句:1.A file type can only be associated with one installed executable file. 一种文件类型只能与一个已安装的可执行文件关联.2.Dr. dinges's lab at the university of pennsylvania has identified three genes that may beassociated with vulnerability to sleep loss. 丁吉斯博士在宾夕法尼亚大学的实验室已经识别出三类或许与易受睡眠不足影响有关的基因.