
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-27

答:以元音( a, e, i, o, u )开头的单词用冠词an,所以abundant前面加an

答:例如:They had money adequate for the cost of the journey.他们的钱足够这次旅行的费用。例如:We found a solution adequate to the problem.我们找到了解决这个问题的适当方法。②adequate后接to或者for的时候,有时表达相同的意思。例如:Our fuel supply is adequate to heat the house this ...

答:Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the earth's crust.钠是地表中含量第6丰富的元素。The abundant crevasse prove that fracture is the chief form of yielding.大量的冰隙证明破裂是变形的主要形式。The earliest colonists found abundant forests and suitable soil with adequate rainfall...

答:lucrative business/market/contract etc mine: v. extract certain substances (minerals, precious stones, etc.) from the  ground,     dig out; make tunnels, burrow; plant explosive mines in the ground;search and make use of an abundant source of information; ...

答:Yet somehow the species went from being one of the most abundant birds in the world toextinction in only about 100 years. 四川省位于中国西南部,作为濒临灭绝动物大熊猫的故乡,该省已经设计出一个发展计划以吸引更多的游客。 Sichuan, a southwest province in China, hometown of the giant panda, wh...

答:新年为期15天. 第一周是最重要、最经常庆祝探访亲友以及 问候吉祥. 庆典结束的重要缤纷元宵月15日晚一个月. 但是 相信在中国农历新年的第三天,这是不恰当的家庭访问 朋友,请一天"郝生态学",即"归口理". 自农历新年,由中国历法,日月月历. 同一国家所使用的月历采用传统的儒家和佛教文化影响,在许多 ...

答:较低的潮间带除了孕育了浒苔植物和爱尔兰藓,也同样孕育了很多其他的海草.它们从纤细的红色与绿色植物,到坚韧的海草灰(昆布属植物)都有.海草灰(一种大海草)标志着潮间带的最底线,并延伸到潮下的区域.因此,潮间带的下游与潮下带的上部没有十分精确的界线. 红珊瑚藻类(珊瑚,石枝藻属)同样生长的很...

答:There is only a small amount of food. 食物只剩下一点。He has a great number of old stampls.他有极多的旧邮票。综上所述,我们认为This garden has an abundant amount of flowers.(这个花园有大量的花。)这个句子中的amount 最好还是改为number 更好。即:This garden has an ...

答:英语小短文有:1、Life is very rich. We live in an abundant, continually expanding universe. Make sure that you allow yourself to enjoy all of life’s colours and distinctions.生活是丰富多彩的。我们生活在一个充裕并且不断膨胀的世界。你一定要让自己享受到生活的多姿多彩和不同凡响。2、...



仲戚19699114768: have+an+area+of等于
白水县汪松:: have an area of : 有某一区域 ; 有某一个面积=have the size of 例句:The two farms have an area of two acres.The two farms have the size of two acres.这两个农场共有两英亩的面积.

仲戚19699114768: a+be+形容词比较级+than+any+(other+单数/of+other+名词复数/of+else)3个句型,举个例子
白水县汪松:: 答案是: 1.he is taller than any other boy in his class 2.he is taller than any of other boys in his class 3.he is taller than any of boys else ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

仲戚19699114768: abundant 和a great deal 后面都是接的可数名词复数? - 作业帮
白水县汪松::[答案] abundant,形容词,后面跟不可数名词,表示大量的、丰富的,比如abundant information大量信息 a great deal本身是名词,表示大量,如果要表达大量的……,需要加of,比如a great deal of oil and salt,后面一般也接不可数名词.