
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03



I come from Datong,Datong is north a Shanxi's city. But because1 Datong has the massive coal resources world famous, it becomes " city of " coal sea. Not only Datong's coal sells to each place, moreover it sells to many countries.Datong has the glorious historical culture,Of a Yungang rock cave four big rock caves is situated in Datong.Yungang rock cave well-known in everywhere,Every year has the human who million records to come to see a famous person with admiration.Datong people industrious simple,Friendly hospitable,Devotes in makes Datong a modernization the traveling city.Welcome to Datong!

I come from the Datong, a city in northern Shanxi Datong. Tatung has an abundance of coal resources by the renowned, It was called the "sea of coal city." Datong Coal is not only sold across the country, and sold in many countries. Tatung has a long history and culture. one of the four caves are located in Datong Yungang Grottoes. famous at home and abroad in the Yungang Grottoes, There are millions of people every year come to mind. Datong people are hardworking and down to earth, friendly and hospitable. Datong hard work to create a modern tourist city. Tatung to welcome!

  • 麻烦大家,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
    答:1.I told him of this thing as soon as I met him.2.If I have spare time, I will visit Mr.Zhang, because he is sick.3.I will certainly live in Hilton Hotel when I come to Shanghai.4.Xiao Wu came to Shanghai yesterday, but he will take a plane to Shenzhen to see ...
  • 麻烦各位,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
    答:1.你已经打过电话给他了吗?是的,我今天上午10:45打给他的.Have you called him yet?yes, i called this morning at 10.45.2.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们在原来的家里住了20多年了.下个月张家要搬去新家了,他们从1980年就住在这了.The Zhang's are moving to their new home next ...
  • 麻烦大家,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
    答:felt the importance of English.4. If I were you, I could do it better than you.5. Their parents didn't hope he would have a big success in business.6. In the upper term, he didn't work hard studying until he failed on the test.无错,还有其他翻译,上面的可以了吧!
  • 麻烦帮我翻译一下 英文
    答:如果大家和他有相同的兴趣可以联系他。最后有一件重要的事,就是他现在还没有女朋友,希望大家有合适的女孩介绍给他 翻译如下:Now please allow me to introduce my good friend XXX(请允许我向大家介绍,这样说法更有礼貌). He is 21 years old and was born in China. (一般英语都是先说年龄...
  • 麻烦大家,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
    答:1.Had a very old mansion in this small area before.2.Next month I will go to Shenzhen, so I certainly visit you when the time comes.3.I did not make a phone call to him until last night.4.They are already along the littoral constructs 3 companies, market and apartment ...
  • 谁来帮我翻译一下英语,谢了。急急急!!!回答完整的话加分!
  • 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语,谢谢!
    答:大学英语第一册课后翻译答案 U1:1. 那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 (formal)As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as mother told me to.2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉(take hold)His girlfriend advised him to get ...
  • 请大家帮我翻译一下英语
    答:Bitterness ★★辛酸的滋味★★ Standing still on the beach, 一个人静静地站在沙滩上,thinking of the hurtful speech. 脑子里回荡着那些伤人的话Wondering why he had to be cruel, 想着他为什么要那么残忍对我,and makes the sand being washed away,我的泪水哗哗地流淌着,by my tears 冲冼...
  • 麻烦大家,帮我用(英语)翻译一下
    答:1. I got to the school early even though it's raining cats and dogs.2. The ship is very large, which can carry at least 2000 passengers.3. I think i know his nationality.4. I think if you could help me to finish the task, that will be great.5. Even though he has...
  • 英语高手请进,帮我翻译一下,谢谢!
    答:)what the name of invoice to?(发票的单位写哪里?)2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。Our coke is unlimited refilling, as soon as you finish yours we'll refill for you, it all you can drink here....