
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-08-31

I was just informed that regarding to your orders to be delievered in Feburary,the price for the first two remains no changes,but the price will be increased 3% for the third one,I am not sure if you are awared of this situation,please revise your order as per the new price.

Additionally,since there are a large amount of tusche orders,it is very tight to deliver on 22nd,I suggest to postpone the deliver for some days.

The supplier name is ABC, which is our client as well. We want to know which Vendor Code should be used to create the purchase order or can we create a new Vendor Code for it?

Thanks for your reply.
I have confirmed the details below with my manager,just for your reference:
1.The order that will be shipped in Feb,its price is below:*****
The order that will be shipped in Mar.,its price to be announced later.
2.You has added 6tons tusche in PO#01-200111 yesterday.However our production department can not produce this big qty tusche so soon,we can not delivery it on 22th,Feb.We hope you'd better keep the order details and do not make any change.If you insist in purchasing 6 tons tusche,please put this item in order of March,and there may be some difference in price.

Thanks for your kindly reply. I have rechecked the detials with our manger. the below information for your ref.
1. For the order of Feb, the price as follows,
for the order of March, the price will be let you know later.
2. for the po#01-2001111, you have added six tons tusche, we need time to produce the added products. so the delivery date will be delay. We advise you put the 6 tons tusche in the order of March.for the price of March, the price should be changed.

1. For in February delivery of orders, price below
For shipment of the order in March, the price to be sent to another.
2. Yesterday the expensive department order 01-200111 increased 6 tons black ink, we manufacture department too late to produce a large number of black ink, so I can't on the original delivery time on February 22, dates. We hope that you don't change order content, if you will persist in purchasing the 6 tons black ink, please put in the march issue of the order, but then again, there will be variations in the price may.

Thanks for your reply, this morning I again with the manager confirmed next details, please your reference the following information
1. For in February delivery of orders, price below
For shipment of the order in March, the price to be sent to another.
2. Yesterday the expensive department order 01-200111 increased 6 tons black ink, we manufacture department too late to produce a large number of black ink, so I can't on the original delivery time on February 22, dates. We hope that you don't change order content, if you will persist in purchasing the 6 tons black ink, please put in the march issue of the order, but then again, there will be variations in the price may.

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