
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-30
小学生上补习班时利大于弊还是弊大于利 辩论赛正方辩词


The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet to college students (debate competition)
Chair: with the development and progress of society, the network is more and more accepted by students, also more and more be college students, in the network into our lives today, the advantages and disadvantages of Internet problems of college students has become the concern of a hot this below to enter our today's debate.
President: below I declare that the network of college students pros and cons, the debate is now starting. Affirmative topic: network for college students more good than harm; the topic is: the network for college students more harm than good.
(the first part -- published statement)
The president: the first to enter the first link released a statement. Both sides speak of the order is: a debate Affirmative, a debate, Affirmative two debates, two side argue. Each person's time to speak is 3 minutes. Well, here, please first debate Affirmative released a statement.
A debate Affirmative: Thank you. You audience, the other friends, everyone good. Our view is that the network has more advantages than disadvantages for college students.. With the development of economy and the information age's arrival, our life occurred earth shaking changes, which requires we college students should master more updated information, request we college students herd multi angle analysis of the problem, then we college students obtain information channels should be what? Right. That's the Internet.. The advantages of the network are as follows. First, the network can provide us college students with a wider learning space and learning resources. College students can English four, six levels of learning and computer grade examination of learning through the network, and so on and problems in college students in learning to engage in do not know many of them can be on the network after the discussion to obtain a satisfactory answer. In addition, students can also visit many school sites, and other school teachers and students exchange learning experience, making their knowledge more perfect and comprehensive. Secondly, students in the future will have to be engaged in the industry dynamic information is also important for college students, then these information sources is one of the ways to network and network speed, updated quickly can make students on their own professional dynamic information at your fingertips, which makes the students future employment both direction, and objective, so that students have more profound understanding and the understanding to the requirements of their learning professional, let their learning is no longer blindly, let their employment more smoothly. In brief, the network is the university student essential, also is necessary, the network for university student's advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Thank you!
A debate: Thank you, hello. Thank you very much for the other argument wonderful remarks, but, here, I want to
Point out that, whether learning or professional dynamic search, the network is not the only way, it is not necessarily the best way, I hope that you can think twice before you do the problem.. Here, to explain our view, the network for students more harm than good. The development of the network to promote the progress of the society is an irrefutable fact, however, we can not only see things a, we should uphold the dichotomy, learn a comprehensive view and analysis of problem, so we have to see the drawbacks of the network or very much. First, the Internet makes college students depressed. Due to the sharing of network resources, the whether or not suitable to students of information had to be accepted by the, and which contains considerable information of the pornography and violence, imagine if the students are such information by the instigation of the words, the consequences will be unimaginable. Second, the Internet environment is not good, according to statistics, more than 80% of Internet cafes smoky, tension, the vast majority of Internet cafes there are security risks. Thus, students on the Internet environment simply can not be guaranteed, how to better use the network? So, this must pay attention to and attention. Therefore, the network for college students is greater than the. Thank you!
Affirmative two debates: Hello, the other argument argument was very wonderful. But it's not hard to see the flaws in it. We today's debate is a network for the pros and cons of college students, and Internet cafes are not ah, I hope each other friends of the debate don't make the same mistake again the. Below I continue to elaborate our view, the network for college students more than harm. Just now we have a debate on the learning and industry dynamics analysis, the following I from the mission to college students to give me a view of the mission. Today is an information technology increasingly important era, information technology industry will in the near future from the tertiary industry separated become a new industry, and the society to a more important role and create more value. And our students as future information industry using the innovator and natural to the network can have a more profound understanding and participation, this also from access to the point of view of knowledge reflects the network for the benefits of the college students. And because of the many benefits of the network itself to this scale of development and the development trend in the future. Therefore, it should be is a new thing, it has a bright future, we college students should as a network of advanced users and builders, to see the network of many benefits, carry forward the benefits, to discard the shortcomings, the flaws. Therefore, the network for college students more than harm. Thank you




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