中翻英 三句话 意思差不多就可以 不一定要按着翻

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

It's definitely not an exaggeration to say that I like advertising since I was a boy. I was always deeply attracted by the advertising regarded children as the target. I liked to imitate the motions and repeat the slogan of advertising, which gave me a more colorful childhood. Many years later, I read an advertising design album, which was so wonderful to me, and I even forgot at some time that these works were advising people to buy goods, they were absolutely works of art.


on the other hand ,books contain so many messages that it 's impossible to mention all the messages in class. we should study them by ourselves. my disadvantage is that i don't like to ask somebody for help during study.because i don't want to bother other people. my advantage is that i can concentrate my attention fast so that i can put my heart into study quickly,and i am not easy to be influence by the outside world.

On the other hand, there is too much information on the textbooks. Only some can be taught during classes, and we need to study these information by ourselves.
My defect is that in the process of study I don't want to ask others for help, and I don't want to trouble other people. My advantage is that I can quickly forcus on my study, and it's hard for me to be interrupted by the external environment.