
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

take (an active part in)
take photos
take some medicine
take a bus/train, boat/
turn on
turn off
turn in
turn to
turn down
play basketball
play games
play the piano (the violin
play with snow
play a joke (on
think over
arrive at/in a place
eat up
do well in
enjoy doing sth. like doing sth.
find out
finish off
stop doing sth.
stop to do sth.
hold a meting
hold up
hurry up
enter for
laugh at
be used to
used to
work out
sth happen to sb
sb happen to do sth
ask for
ask for leave
send for
wait for
thank for
apologize to sb. for sth.
look for
fall off
catch cold
catch up with
agree with sb.
tell sb. about sth.
talk about
think about
worry about
look after
run after
read after
smile at
knock at
shout at
throw away
work hard at
wait in line
hurry into…
run into…
hear of
think of
catch hold of
instead of
hand in
stay in bed
hear from
at once
at last
at first
at the age of…
at the end of…
at the beginning of…
at the foot of…
at the same time
at night/noon
with one's help

1 turn right
2 on one's left
3 time flies
4 go along
5 on the opposite

have to do不得不做
have sth done使某事被做
have nothing on sb比不上,不如‘
have sth back 收回被借走的东西
have sb on 哄骗,欺骗
have sth out 去除,切除
have a look .看一下.
have a cold. 患感冒.
have a walk(run,swim,wash)去散步(跑步,游泳,沐浴)
have a talk.谈一谈.
have a read.读一会儿.
have a trip.一趟旅行.少
1.help to (do sth)
2.help sb (for sth)
(为某事) 帮助某人
3.help for (sth)

keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物)

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物)

keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内

keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒

keep in touch with 与……保持联系

keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事

keep off 远离,避开,让开

keep up 保持(不低落),继续

keep up with 跟上,不落在后面

make up 编造,化妆
make up for补偿,填补
make up one's mind下定决不
be made of用…做成(主要指制造后不改变原材料的性质或形状,如桌子有木材造成的)
be made from用…制成(指制造后改变了材料的性质或形状,如奶油是由牛奶制成的)
be made up of 由…构成
make it成功,做到(口语)

look about 环顾(…的)四周
look ahead 看前面
look after 照顾
look at 看
look away 自……移开目光
look back 回头看
look down 俯视
look for 寻找
look forward to 盼望
look in 向内探视
look into 注视……的内部
look on 在旁边看
look out 向外看
look over 检查
look round = look about 环顾(…的)四周
look through 通过……看
look to 朝……看
look toward 朝……看
look up 抬头看
look well 看起来健康

put away v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃
put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命
put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举
put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻
put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植
put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔
put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场
put in 插话,
put on 穿上,
put down 记下来,写下来,
put sth aside 放到一边,
put it on 假装生气,
put away 收起来,
put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,
put back,放回,
put off 推迟,放下。

sent off
sent on
sent away

set about 著手, 开始
set against 反对, 使对立, 使平衡, 从...扣除, 比较
set back 使受挫折
set by 把...留开
set down 放下, 制定
set down as 认为..., 把...看作
set eyes on 看到, 望见
set great store by 很相信
set in 开始, 上涨, 到来
set in concrete 固定
set off 出发, 使爆炸, 动身
set on 攻击, 怂恿, 前进
set one's house in order 整理
set oneself up as 以...自居
set out 出发, 装饰, 开始
set out for 出发去...
set the record straight 澄清问题
set up 竖立, 建立, 创立, 建造
set upon 攻击, 开始

play about四出厮混
play away浪费掉
play back播放
play down降低,贬低
play off使出手
play with玩耍
play on利用
play up给…造成麻烦

a hand's turn
举手之劳, 一臂之力; 一点工作
a turn of fortune's wheel
About turn! (=Right about turn!)
at every turn
处处, 到处; 每一次, 经常地
be turned (of)
年在...以上, 年过
by turns
轮流地; 时而...时而...
call the turn
定调子; 发号施令; 操纵, 左右着
do sb. a bad turn
做有损于某人的事, 危害某人
do sb. an ill turn
做有损于某人的事, 危害某人
do sb. a good turn
做有利于某人的事, 为某人效了一次劳
give a new turn to
对...给与新的说法, 给与...另外一种说法
give another turn of the screw
give sb. another turn of the screw
give sb. a turn
[口]使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳
give sb. quite a turn
[口]使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳
go for a turn
兜一圈, 玩一玩
in turn
轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来
in one's turn
in the turn of a hand
Left turn!
make a turn
转, 转弯
on the turn
正在转变, 正在变化; 正在好转; (牛奶)变酸
One good turn deserves another.
out of turn
冒冒失失地, 轻率地
Right turn!
serve one's (own) turn (=serve a turn)
(紧急时)能起作用; 能应急
serve sb. the good turn
serve sb. the good turn of
serve sb.'s turn
对某人有用; 适合某人的需要
short turn
star turn
主要节目, 压轴戏
引人注目的人物, 大红人
take a turn
转, 转弯
散步, 溜达溜达
(骑马, 乘船)玩一玩, 兜一兜风
take a turn for the better
好转, 变好
take a turn for the worse
变坏, 恶化
take turns
依次, 轮班; 轮流
the turn of life
【医】(妇女的)绝经期, 更年期
the turn of the century
一个世纪之末和下一个世纪之初; 世纪初, 世纪末
the turn of the tide
to a turn
刚好, 恰到好处
精确地, 尽善尽美
to the turn of a hair
极其精确, 惟妙惟肖
to the turn to a hair
极其精确, 惟妙惟肖
walk a turn
turn about
转向相反的方向, 掉转方向
轮流, 更替
turn against
turn and rend sb.
turn and wind
turn around(=turn round)
转过去, 转身
改换意见; 改变宗旨; 采取新政策
turn away
转过脸去, 背过脸去
把...打发走, 把...驱逐出去; 解雇
避开, 防止
turn back
转回去, 往回走
挡回, 使折回
(to)翻回书页; 回溯到
(使)折起来; (使)翻下来
调低, 关小(灯光)
拒绝, 摒弃; 驳回
(经济等)走下坡, 衰退
turn forth
驱逐, 赶走
turn in
拐进去; 转身进去
[口]交还; 上缴
[口]上床, 就寝
告发; 检举; 出卖
[口]抛弃, 放弃
作出, 取得
turn in on oneself
与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义
turn in upon oneself
与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义
turn into
拐入, 进入
(使)变成, (使)成为
turn it in
辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)
(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴
turn it up
辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)
(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴
turn of events
turn of expression
表达方式, 措辞
turn of mind
性情; 气质倾向, 才能
turn of speech
口吻, 说法
turn of speed
行速, 速力
turn off
辞退, 解雇
(人)转入另一条路, 拐弯; 岔开(路)
生产, 制造
(用车床)削掉, 车出
处理掉; 抛售
变质, 变酸, 坏掉
[口](使)沮丧, (使)不感兴趣
变成, 转为
[口]使成婚; 使嫁出
turn on
要看...而定, 以...为转移
反对, 攻击; 对...怀敌意
[口](使)感到兴趣; (使)兴奋激动
[美俚](使)服用麻醉品; (使)变得兴奋
turn out
生产, 制造; 培养出
驱逐(某人)出去; 解雇(某人)
翻转[出], 倒空
出动; 出席, 参加
证明是..., 结果是...; 发展为...
打扮, 装束; 装备
turn over
(使)翻过来; (使)翻倒, (使)打滚
交给, 移交
熟思, 再三考虑
营业额为..., 做(多少钱的)生意
(货物等)大量卖出, 有销路
发动(机器等); 转动
(胃)恶心; (心)乱跳
turn to
指向, 转向
求取于, 依赖
变成; 结果成为
着手; 开始工作; 积极行动
turn up
向上; 向上翻; 使朝上
开大; 扭亮(灯火等); 加快(速度等)
翻起, 翻掘
露面, 来到; 发生, 出现; (东西)被找到
发现, 找到
结果是..., 证明是
[英]参考, 查阅; 寻找, 查
拐入, 转入; 转身登上
[英]放弃; 释放; 放松, 放掉
转速达到, 功率达到
turn upon
有赖, 取决于; 随...而定
突然攻击, 突然责骂; 对...翻脸

come back
come down
come in
come on
come out
come out of
come up
come from
do one's lessons/homework
do more speaking/reading
do one's best
do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning
do a good deed (good deed)
do morning exercises
do eye exercises
do well in
get up
get everything ready
get ready for (=be ready for
get on (well with
get back
get rid of
get in
get on/off
get to
get there
give sb. a call
give a talk
give a lecture (a piano concert
give back
give……some advice on
give lessons to
give in
give up
give sb. a chance
give a message to……
go ahead
go to the cinema
go to bed (make the bed
go to school (college
go to (the hospital
go over / go over to
go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping
go home (there
go round
go up
go out for a walk
go on (doing

不好意思 没看懂

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