
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
英文作文 关于护士的

Nurse is the most beautiful occupation in the world. They take good care of patients regardless of the mess and fatigue. They always show their enthusiasm and patience with bright smile to other people. They give their support to those patients and make them feel warm and helpful. With their scrupulous and thoughtful cares, the patinet's condition gets well gradually and become more and more healthy. I want to bring my support to those patients who need it and spread my warmth like those nurses. I believe I will be a nurse who can help patients to relieve their pain not only physically but also mentally.


Why I Want To Be A Nurse
When asked my reason as to why I want to be a nurse , I find myself discussing more than one . This is because my answer has three facets : empathetic compassion for those who suffer , job challenge , and finally : job security . Each of these three driving reasons are in turn tied together by my dedication to the healthcare field and my unwavering drive to achieve goals
First, individually , I believe that my personal empathy and compassion for those who suffer is the most central of my three reasons to being a nurse . Since my earliest memories , I have felt magnetically drawn to people who are suffering . I recall the image of a man with terminal cancer in a dimly lit hospital room , as he lay in bed alone because his son didn't come to see him. I felt drawn to go stand by this man and let him know that he was not alone . The look of gratitude in his eyes as he weakly whispered to me "thanks ", was the first compelling I had in considering a career in health care.
Second,I can learn more from the job challenge of nurse. The nurses, with different specializations get the opportunities to work in different situations and face new challenges everyday. This helps me to develop qualities such as presence of mind, patience, self-confidence and hard work. This profession can help in honing the communication as well as the interpersonal skills of an individual.
Finally, job security is another important facet.The ups and downs in the financial markets would seldom have an effect on the job of the nurses. Due to the changes in the lifestyles and environmental factors, the number of people suffering from various health related problems is increasing and hence hospitals always find the need of hiring experienced and talented nurses. The job of a nurse is unaffected by recession or any kind of financial meltdown.
To be a nurse has been my dream since I was a little girl. Althoug I choose a totally different major., I will seize every single chance to make my dream come true.

信任是建立良好护患关系的基础。医院护理管理者可从三方面建立护患信任关系。(1)从医院作为被信任方的角度,努力改善医院和护士的感知可信度;(2)从医院作为信任方的角度,积极强化和落实“以病人为中心”的服务理念;(3)从规范管理护患信任关系的角度,激励双方的诚信行为和约束双方的背信行为。这三方面的结合将有助于护理人员积极主动构建融洽的护患关系,医院可获得患者的信任,取得社会的好评,促进医院的可持续发展。Trust is the basis for constructing a good nurse-patient relationship. According to the trust theory, the author suggests the nursing administrators of hospital that they could build trust between nurses and patients through three approaches. First, as the trusted object, hospital should improve perceived credibility of hospital and nurses. Second, as the trusting subject, hospital should strengthen and carry out the service concept of"taking patient as the center". Third, from the perspective of trust relationship between nurses and patients management, incentives and constraints should be offered for the good and bad behavior of both sides. Combination of these approaches will help nurses to build harmonious relationship with patients actively, acquire patients' trust for hospital, obtain praise form the society, promote the sustainable development of hospital.

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  • 怎样促进护患关系的和谐?
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  • 如何建立良好的护患关系
    答:良好的护患关系能够为患者带来积极的心理效应,缩小护患之间的距离,有助于按计划完成治疗,促进患者的快速康复。那么,如何建立良好的护患关系呢?笔者有以下三点体会。1. 沟通是建立良好护患关系的基础。在护理过程中,护士应根据患者的情况和病情特点,选择合适的语言方式进行沟通。与患者的交流不应仅仅...
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  • 如何建立良好的护患关系
    答:例如有一患者入院最想知道的是病情、用药、预后及医生的技术,这时迎合患者心理,先介绍这些方面,患者会感到护士的关心和理解。同时注意微笑服务,语言亲切温和,语速适中,多与患者交流,认真倾听。这样良好的第一印象就使患者先入为主,可大大增进护患关系的和谐和患者对护士的信任。 2 交流是建立平等...
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